Stop being a dumbbell make the Pfizer deal


Dear Frenchie

Put your ego aside and do what the majority of us want. While the weak will cry they don't want the Pfizer deal, it's only because those are the lazy and scared who will actually be accountable for performance.

It just makes sense, PFIZER


The Pfizer deal is dead. They are only after the inversion, and there are plenty of cheaper, more willing pharma companies they can merge with to accomplish that. Actavis seems to be the top contender now.

pascal will sell them some of the medimmune vaccine assets. Actually, maybe establish a separate company in UK for Medimmune's vaccines, then sell the division to pfizer. Sells off an asset at a premium because pfizer wants both the inversion and the vaccines. Small price to pay to free up pfizers overseas cash.

Dear Frenchie

Put your ego aside and do what the majority of us want. While the weak will cry they don't want the Pfizer deal, it's only because those are the lazy and scared who will actually be accountable for performance.

It just makes sense, PFIZER


Correction, I mean what the 'minority' of us whiny fired retaliatory wounded punks want.

Here in the UK we have no labour day. Today was filled with talk about Pfizer returning. The funny thing is, their executives are scheduled to arrive in the UK sometime this evening.

yeah, let's pick a part of the country and say...."we are prepared!!" Fuckin' morons.

Stay the course Pascal. we got your back.

Eww--what a joke! As if he'd pee on you even if you were on fire. I doubt he'd want you anywhere near his back in any case, and he certainly will never have the back of a peon like you or any other sales reps.