The CA Dairy Association was started in 1969 while the former governor (Richard Nixon) of CA was president. One of the issues (which maybe is a good thing) is - in order to do anything here (like pass a law) the opposing side has a chance to petition and if they get enough signatures, put it on the ballot. We're still fighting to simply have labels that tell us what is in the food we eat. It isn't if - it's when and we will most likely be the first state.
We hope to get rid of those stupid one-use plastic bags next summer. They're all over the beach, they clog up drains and fuck with our ocean life. But then it's SO DIFFICULT for lazy assed people to put their own bag in the car and use it.
As far as Carnation goes, they are now owned by Swiss Giant Nestle who could give a rat's ass about anything but money.