Do those of you who work here internally read what investors say about this management team by stockholders who have seen this golden opportunity of Vascepa be wasted away by the ineptness of Legal and company management? Does management read it? Doubtful. It’s like they’re tone deaf or ignorant or arrogant. There is no seeming sense of urgency and no adaptability from the leadership. There are better ideas for running this company by retail shareholders on these boards than anything coming from management. In most of corporate America it wouldn’t have taken this long for Thero and Kennedy to “retire”…it’s dereliction of the board not to move faster here as time is the only opportunity. Can one of you on the inside not relay the messages of thousands of shareholders to your superiors? Just read what is online in these conversations. It is embarrassing this company does nothing but waste away. Hate to say for you who are employed, but the best outcome is a fire sale of the company because there is no competence at the top of this one. (Unless the savior is the new CEO). Please disagree with me using a coherent internal-based strategy (because your management doesn’t seem to have one except “hope for the best” in EU).