What is the range of stock given for year end review? I think I got hosed.
What is the range of stock given for year end review? I think I got hosed.
I got 335 shares
The other rep here in town got 105
It depends on your role and you performance.
when you pay 60% rebates, the stock goes down, down, down.
nice job crapping the pants.
Now that you have shown your cards with Abbvie, how will you overreact to MRK? 90% rebates?
Bed wetters.
We have the better product hands down, there was no need to discount as deep as we did. There goes our stock bonus and options.
rep -meet expectations
You have the more CONVENIENT product, and it's fine for less advanced patients. Abbvie's is better in advanced patients. Both companies got what they deserved with contracting.
You have the more CONVENIENT product, and it's fine for less advanced patients. Abbvie's is better in advanced patients. Both companies got what they deserved with contracting.
Stock distribution should be a range from 520-1175.
geez-who gets the 800+