Stock price

You need to be intelligent enough to understand the Global economy. What happens in Europe impacts our Stock Market. If you do not know that much, just buy C.D.'s

Now is the time to buy the stock and when it rebounds cash in.

This is not rocket science

Stock price will continue to drop with lawyers heading up the show. Dog and pony show that is. You can't just keep buying smaller labs and expect all of their clients to stick around and be LabCorped. Here it's not divide and conquer, it's purchase and sever. Hard to stop the bleeding (leaving) when your money (acquisition) is like an anticoagulant.

You need to be intelligent enough to understand the Global economy. What happens in Europe impacts our Stock Market. If you do not know that much, just buy C.D.'s

Now is the time to buy the stock and when it rebounds cash in.

This is not rocket science

Okay I understand that the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 are down due to European financial situation, the unemployment numbers, and the budget deficit. However, that does not explain how our stock was at $100.00 per share not long ago and is now down to $81.00 per share. The year to date drop is 17% and during the same period Quest is only down 2.6%.

We are doing better than Quest on revenue and profit, so why should our stock be so negative in comparison?

The salespeople who came with the acquired labs leave, taking their clients with them. That is not rocket science either.

You are correct, look at all of the labs that Labcorp has purchased over the years. Dianon, Uslabs and Genzyme. Each one was doing a couple hundred million in business and now all 3 labs combined are lucky to do that.
Everyone on them was a superior lab that Labcorp could not compete with so they bought them. Once they bought them they tried to run it the Labcorp way from the get go and now all of that business went to other competitive labs i.e. Plus, Clarient, Bio Ref, Genoptix, Bostwick, OUR Labs and Caris. You think Labcorp would have learned a lesson from buy out but they keep doing it their way. Thus clients and sales reps leave for other labs not associated with Labcorp. If Labcorp were to sit back and watch why these labs are so successful in the industry they may be able to learn a lesson and keep them in tack and incorporate that business model into their own. Labcorp has to go in from day 1 and gut them.
I understand its wall street driven with the stock price and selling off assets and combining labs, but the couple of billion you paid for the 3 labs mentioned above now equate out to what a couple hundred million in revenue. Labcorp is a large company that will keep buying smaller labs and the cycle will continue. Labcorp knows they can’t get new business with their reputation so they buy labs out there hoping to grow with that book of business.

If it's about the botttom line then why drive away the talent (not just in sales but pretty much every area) that could actually increase revenue? It is a stifling work environment, the benefits suck, and anyone who can do better will. A truly Bizzaro World place to work.

Yeah, you are understanding it intellectually but still not quite feeling it in your gut because it would mean having to redefine your purpose and acquiring a different mind set. It seems to be a simple business model. But are they buying up smaller labs just to get rid of the competition or what? Looks like a loosing proposition to me. You can't keep paying top dollar for acquisitions than go south unless you have an endless supply of money or the objective of monopolizing the industry to the point where they dominate without opposition.