STJ attempted to buy RV defib lead from BIO?

I was interviewing with a BIO RM the other day and the RM mentioned STJ attempted to buy BIO's rv defib lead. Can anyone verify this?

not even. i work for bio. it's been a rumor at best. we don't want to sell them our defib leads to be honest. there's nothing in it for the reps except more inventory issues and confusion.

not even. i work for bio. it's been a rumor at best. we don't want to sell them our defib leads to be honest. there's nothing in it for the reps except more inventory issues and confusion.

My buddy left BIO a few months ago. He asked them this question and the response no way - never. I could see that being the response back then, but now that Durata's outlook is seriously being called in to question..,.I don't think anyone can say its beyond the realm of possibility.

As for my colleague's comment that it would cause "inventory issues and confusion" for us, I doubt that it would cause any more than manufacturing Dextrus for Boston or Sorin's entire lead portfolio would.

The real question is: would it be better to allow a major competitor to shrivel up and flounder without a viable defib lead in their bag OR would it be better to see how much more mainstream we could become when the word gets out that we were the White Knights that saved STJ's high energy business from

i know the attempt was there b/c a VP was in Germany not too long ago meeting about manufacturing and making sure our facilities were capable of handling the capacity... this was months ago.

not even. i work for bio. it's been a rumor at best. we don't want to sell them our defib leads to be honest. there's nothing in it for the reps except more inventory issues and confusion.

I heard that STJ tried to get a lead from BIO but one of the execs turned them down based upon the desire to truly compete in the U.S market. What I want to know is... did this actually occur? Also, I realize this isn't the best place to find out truth vs. falsehood but I thought I would give it a shot.

( I apologize for any grammatical errors.).

I heard that STJ tried to get a lead from BIO but one of the execs turned them down based upon the desire to truly compete in the U.S market. What I want to know is... did this actually occur? Also, I realize this isn't the best place to find out truth vs. falsehood but I thought I would give it a shot.

( I apologize for any grammatical errors.).

BIO blew it then if they had the chance to supply STJ and didn't. Thye could have jacked up the price and at least make some $. BIO is not going to get MS any other way. The other reason I doubt this occured, is that STJ would be admitting fault in their current lead, Durata, that they have spent millions of $ defending that there's any problem.