Still drinking the company kool-aid Shire mgrs?

Good luck in 15 months making half of what you make now. Save now while you can

Ain’t this the truth. If they don’t fix this, which we all know they won’t, people will leave. If you made it through the cuts, you better be out their looking for a new job. It’s easier to be more selective when employee.

Posts #1 and #2 are the biggest myths out there. You don’t need to be employed to get hired and you only take a pay cut if you go to a contract job. Trust me I have been laid off and have hired laid off people.

Work your network!

Posts #1 and #2 are the biggest myths out there. You don’t need to be employed to get hired and you only take a pay cut if you go to a contract job. Trust me I have been laid off and have hired laid off people.

Work your network!

You’re a primary care rep. I’d rather be unemployed than take a contract job.

We all know this is a shit show. I would have LOVED the severance but unfortunately they went mainly by years of service and I had 15 plus. They got rid of reps with lower tenour to pay out less. General medicine is a joke that will not last. These young managers with Shire that think they were the shit because they “knew perry” or “mark” are in for a FUNNY, rude awaking.! Can’t wait for them to see what big pharma is really like. Older reps are waisting there time with this company as it is nothing special about it and no other companies want an ADHD or ME2 rep that is in there 40’s or 50’s and especially 60’s. Think before you post positive about takeda. Who wants to be with a company with over 70 billion in debt.??? They will run off or lay off within the year. I am more sad that they kept me

I got clipped a while back. Sat around and looked for the perfect gig for months...after about a year i took a contract gig just to stay busy and keep the wolves at bay...been on it two years...make about half what I used to make in total..but drive a badass car that they pay for, work till 3 PM and have very little stress. Life is what you make it.