Steve Vickers

What are the odds makers saying about SV possibly making a move to Onyx? Lots of old Chiron boys at that shop.

Umm are you new to oncology? There are lot’s of Chiron people at our shop! That’s the natural progression in oncology(and I’m sure in other therapeutic areas). Look at any oncology company and there is always a predominate company or two or three that weave through the company. I’ve been at companies where it was mostly Amgen people and I’ve been at places where there were a lot of Genentech people. That’s just how it goes in oncology. People move it teams. Hell I’m old enough to remember that you were either an Adria person or a Bristol person.

Vickers is an empty suit. Clueless title chaser

Dude this is pharma…everyone at every company is “playing the game”. This industry is a joke and we all know it. Us reps pretend like we are in the field from 8-5 and that we are hammering the same old tried marketing messages on every call, and the managers look the other way as they are doing even less than us and just fill their calendar with “travel” to appear busy and to collect frequent flier miles and hotel points.

Everyone of us is an empty suit! What do you really believe that when a oncologist uses Velcade it is because of you the rep!!! Nah it’s not all the publically available journal articles, ASCO presentations, and talking the KOL’s in the MM field…yeah it’s you the rep! Come on! You are the one who is clueless.

We are walking commercials who bring lunch…have a reality check, understand what this job is and what it isn’t and stop calling anyone out as clueless or an empty suit as every single one of us is guilty of milking this gravy train.

I applaud anyone who can play the game good enough to climb the ladder, make more money, while doing less work. Like it or not, that is and always has been the biotech/pharma model.

So in the immortal words of some rapper I’m sure I’ve never heard of…”Don’t hate the player, hate the game”

"Dude" what a complete fool you are... I suppose you are kissing vickers butt as he talks of his old glory days as a sales rep. He was a sales rep for less then a year. Climb the ladder you mean climb down the ladder to hell.

we now know that SV is joe's best friend.....he got up on that stage and had more time than the winners. I just hope he doesn't get that job cause we all have to look at him at all the award dinners..ugh

Come on people, employees come and go all the time, at every company. For every person who leaves, someone new arrives so until we have trouble hiring people I wouldn't worry about a conspiracy in HQ. This is still one of the better places to work, ask around.