Stay or Go


I've been offered a job with a large pharma company in the oncology division. If it were you, would you stay with Myriad or take the Oncology position? (Much larger base salary, old territory, good manager, a car)

If you hang on until July and hope they don't get the forecast wrong, I'd stay. You can make good money here. But, it's a different place than a couple years ago. I wonder if we'll ever make that kind of money again. It used to be that Myriad was far from "pharma" but now, it's feeling much more like pharma. Depends on your manager. Some managers are way more oharma than others.
2 years ago, I would have said stay put, but now, I might say go...more money guarantee and if you're putting up with pharma bs metrics anyway, you might as well make more money. Good luck with your decision.

You have to ponder the fate of MYGN. Profitability will never be the same, with the new product mix. If the stock gets low enough, one could imagine an acquisition of the company, but what are the assets without patents? It's difficult to imagine an independent Myriad as time goes on.

I've been offered a job with a large pharma company in the oncology division. If it were you, would you stay with Myriad or take the Oncology position? (Much larger base salary, old territory, good manager, a car)

that you seek career advice on an anonymous board like CD sums it up nicely. You are either a moron, or a fake.