Stay Off Our Boards Laid Off Former Reps

Be professional and MOVE ON. We do not need your negativity here. Sure it may have happened earlier, but stop with the sour attitude.
Spare me. Might want to take a gander at past posts, over the years: full of positivity! What b.s.. These boards are open to everyone. You missed your calling as hall monitor. Now get out there and go fake some calls.

Be professional and MOVE ON. We do not need your negativity here. Sure it may have happened earlier, but stop with the sour attitude.

Are you fucking kidding me? We have mortgages, college tuitions, single mothers etc etc. What an absolutely terrible thing to say. Karma is a bitch and I hope it gets you.

Are you fucking kidding me? We have mortgages, college tuitions, single mothers etc etc. What an absolutely terrible thing to say. Karma is a bitch and I hope it gets you.

Keep the emotions and personal problems out of your future interviews. No DM wants to deal with your baggage. Especially the single part. You’re hired to work not time away from work.

Be professional and MOVE ON. We do not need your negativity here. Sure it may have happened earlier, but stop with the sour attitude.

As someone who was lucky to be retained, you make me sick. Karma will destroy your sorry ass. Maybe some street justice would be better. You are a disgrace to yourself.

Be professional and MOVE ON. We do not need your negativity here. Sure it may have happened earlier, but stop with the sour attitude.

as someone who just got laid off I wish nothing but the best for those retained. Also my fellow unemployed ex colleagues, keep your head up and move forward. Always better and brighter opportunities ahead. Everyone has a different situation so if venting on the message board helps them handle this situation than have at it. That’s what they are here for!!! All the best, to everyone. I know I will be better for it!!!

Anyone who has retained who thinks they’re in a good position is an absolute fool. This is circling down the drain, only a fool would think they’re in a good spot going forward. There is absolutely no future here, get out