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stay classy ventiv


Laying the sales force off wed BEFORE thanksgiving so you don't have to pay them for the holiday and making them wait 6 months after lay offs for a tiny bonus....makes a rep really want to put extra effort in for you....


It's a tough situation to be in , but keep in mind that Inventiv had nothing to do with the contract ending -- They simply delivered the news. That's how contracts work. Good Luck to you.

When recently involved in a face to face interview between another candidate & myself, I was told by the interviewing manager I was the perfect candidate who fell from the sky and landed on their lap. Then two hours later was told they decided to pursue the other candidate (whom I found out while in discussion with her during the two hour wait had ZERO experience). Nice!

When recently involved in a face to face interview between another candidate & myself, I was told by the interviewing manager I was the perfect candidate who fell from the sky and landed on their lap. Then two hours later was told they decided to pursue the other candidate (whom I found out while in discussion with her during the two hour wait had ZERO experience). Nice!

Sorry to hear, I don't get it! Or what they are looking for anymore, I have over 12 years in pharma and I can't even get a f2f . I get theses phone interviews and then nothing. It's depressing

Sorry to hear, I don't get it! Or what they are looking for anymore, I have over 12 years in pharma and I can't even get a f2f . I get theses phone interviews and then nothing. It's depressing

It can be depressing but eventually you'll connect with a manager who has also faced adversity in their career and is secure enough in their abilities to see the same in you. Stay positive, energetic and confident during the phone screens and never let them think you're desperate, this is the biggest sale of your adult life so prep like the goal is to get them to "buy" you.

Pharma 'sales" is no longer a high level position (unless your drug has a Rx price north of $5000/unit)...Companies prefer, young, college grads with some limited experience (ie. 2 yrs of sales)..They are cheaper, PERIOD. Companies are realizing it doesn't take 10 years of Experience to delivery some samples, deliver a company approved 'script',aka the 20 second commercial, and drop some sandwiches for a lunch.....it sucks, but that is what they see it from the 30,000 ft view of HQ.

50 reps hired to sell FluZone HD, ID and Sklice.. High Dose was nowhere to be found and every week a different reason was given making the reps look like bumbling idiots.. A QUAD was made by competition and reps were not even educated on the QUAD giving reps no info on how to answer questions on that... ID was smoke and mirror - feeding reps "fully covered under insurance" once again reps learning that was not the case at all.. RBD thought he was a magician with metric based demands in territories where reps had to drive 2 and 3 ++ hours and no overnight.. smoke and mirror with compensation - it changed after start date and bonus is based on 1/4 of what was presented.. everything about this contract was a hoax.. i hear sanofi keeps laying people off.. i can see why.. total piss poor management at every level..