I am a current SL employee killing it! Like any device job- you have to walk in to a good territory ideally a flat one, not one in the negatives or where the last rep sold every single facility. My first year I made $130k, many of us make an average of $210k, we offer a pension after 5 YEARS! Our insurance rocks! We get a car, gas, etc! WE don't start out as "consultants" and on call, we don't have to work our way up to make the big bucks. We get stock purchase options, our stock does extremely well, our products are year after year - rec'd by the CDC, APIC, AVA, INS. The largest hospitals in American use us, and converting business once you learn all the evidence, randomized controlled trials, etc is FUN AND EASY! There are a lot of people who call SL something we made up to compete with tape...it is not that...at all and those folks are uneducated! We have more evidence than any competitor. We have a great ROI, our PICC sutreless securements are the most popular in the nation! We compete with sutre- which no hospital wants to use anymore bc it is not safe, dirty, and a CRBSI RISK! I recommend this position to anyone...and PS MILTON ROCKS!!!!!! There is a reason there are rants on here about every job opportunity with every company- bc the reps that don't get the job go on here and complain.