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State of pharmaceutical hiring


Ive been out of Pharma sales for a few years now but work for a major academic hospital. What does the market look like right now for jobs in the Midwest? I still see nothing but contract companies advertising. Has the job market improved at all since 2011?


If you've been in before then go with contract companies. Depending on what area of pharma you were in, most companies want people with no pharma background now. Linked In is your best bet or recruiters.

Ive been out of Pharma sales for a few years now but work for a major academic hospital. What does the market look like right now for jobs in the Midwest? I still see nothing but contract companies advertising. Has the job market improved at all since 2011?

The industry is the worst it has ever been.

Less pay.

Longer hours.

More micromanagement.

No stability.

No creativity.

Call points set up.

Same old bitches in the POD.

Also, most intelligent sales people are not in pharma anymore because they understand all of the above to be true.

I agree. The industry is a joke but if you go in knowing that and just try to make a few bucks you will be fine. If you have to jump around every 2 years who cares. I have enough $ where it doesn't matter and if it gets to stressful i just quit