Starting the interview process


Would just like an honest review of the company. I am leaving one where a generic has entered the space and it looks like we’re getting fired soon, so just getting ahead.

company car?
How is the drug.. tough sell?
Do you call on psychiatrists?
Lots of field rides?

appreciate the honesty.. have second round of interviews this week


Would just like an honest review of the company. I am leaving one where a generic has entered the space and it looks like we’re getting fired soon, so just getting ahead.

company car?
How is the drug.. tough sell?
Do you call on psychiatrists?
Lots of field rides?

appreciate the honesty.. have second round of interviews this week

You get a company car. I think Jeep
or Subaru right now.

The drug is honestly pretty awesome. The space is crowded but Caplyta is different and a lot of HCPs are having success. It’s not a tough sell depending on coverage in your territory. If you are on Medicaid or managed Medicaid in your state you will be fine. Find that out before your interview.

We call on psych and ANPs. A couple of family practice but not many.

Salary depends on your experience level and I can’t really be sure. But they don’t negotiate. Once they make the offer, that’s it.

Lots of field rides so make sure the manager you are interviewing with is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing a lot.

Good luck.

You get a company car. I think Jeep
or Subaru right now.

The drug is honestly pretty awesome. The space is crowded but Caplyta is different and a lot of HCPs are having success. It’s not a tough sell depending on coverage in your territory. If you are on Medicaid or managed Medicaid in your state you will be fine. Find that out before your interview.

We call on psych and ANPs. A couple of family practice but not many.

Salary depends on your experience level and I can’t really be sure. But they don’t negotiate. Once they make the offer, that’s it.

Lots of field rides so make sure the manager you are interviewing with is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing a lot.

Good luck.
Sell or be gone. Bottom 25% beware.

You get a company car. I think Jeep
or Subaru right now.

The drug is honestly pretty awesome. The space is crowded but Caplyta is different and a lot of HCPs are having success. It’s not a tough sell depending on coverage in your territory. If you are on Medicaid or managed Medicaid in your state you will be fine. Find that out before your interview.

We call on psych and ANPs. A couple of family practice but not many.

Salary depends on your experience level and I can’t really be sure. But they don’t negotiate. Once they make the offer, that’s it.

Lots of field rides so make sure the manager you are interviewing with is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing a lot.

Good luck.

appreciate the honesty!!

You get a company car. I think Jeep
or Subaru right now.

The drug is honestly pretty awesome. The space is crowded but Caplyta is different and a lot of HCPs are having success. It’s not a tough sell depending on coverage in your territory. If you are on Medicaid or managed Medicaid in your state you will be fine. Find that out before your interview.

We call on psych and ANPs. A couple of family practice but not many.

Salary depends on your experience level and I can’t really be sure. But they don’t negotiate. Once they make the offer, that’s it.

Lots of field rides so make sure the manager you are interviewing with is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing a lot.

Good luck.

Definitely agree about public aid coverage. Most of the business is coming from that segment so make sure the territory has managed Medicaid coverage. Also, find out what happened to the former rep. If the territory didn’t perform well, they might have been on a PIP. They throw those around here so be careful.

Would just like an honest review of the company. I am leaving one where a generic has entered the space and it looks like we’re getting fired soon, so just getting ahead.

company car?
How is the drug.. tough sell?
Do you call on psychiatrists?
Lots of field rides?

appreciate the honesty.. have second round of interviews this week

Not a bad gig if you’re out of options and still want to make a decent amount. The bonus structure doesn’t inspire Top 10 work, nor does leadership.
Depending on your district, your manager may know a lot about the space - or they may be from the primary care world where KPIs and “metrics that matter” are what you talk about all day. Get ready to have field rides every 2-3 weeks if your district isn’t at the top.
HR is a rouse. They’re working with the managers and ABDs and not on the worker’s side at all. Pretty sure that’s illegal - but it’s pharma and who’s gonna know. PIPa are how they coach for improvement, so be prepared for them to lord your job over your head at the first sign of trouble.

You get a company car. I think Jeep
or Subaru right now.

The drug is honestly pretty awesome. The space is crowded but Caplyta is different and a lot of HCPs are having success. It’s not a tough sell depending on coverage in your territory. If you are on Medicaid or managed Medicaid in your state you will be fine. Find that out before your interview.

We call on psych and ANPs. A couple of family practice but not many.

Salary depends on your experience level and I can’t really be sure. But they don’t negotiate. Once they make the offer, that’s it.

Lots of field rides so make sure the manager you are interviewing with is someone you wouldn’t mind seeing a lot.

Good luck.
Most providers I hear from tell me they can't decide which dose to use. Too many options!

What...?! There is only one least for now...
This is a good product, the leadership sucks!!! They have not upgraded their methods, stuck in the 90's Forest ways to say the least.

I would stop, right now, especially if you are in the West. Do not work for Mosher. He is evil. His lackeys are worthless as well. He lies lies lies. Then he might talk behind your back about one of his lies. Sarcastic POS!

I would stop, right now, especially if you are in the West. Do not work for Mosher. He is evil. His lackeys are worthless as well. He lies lies lies. Then he might talk behind your back about one of his lies. Sarcastic POS!

Can confirm Greg-o-saurus Rex is still out here polluting the earth with his ancient ideas and tactics. I heard a rumor that he’s thinking of bringing his brother in to help tank the company for good since he couldn’t do it with his current band of idiots.

Coverage is key. Do your research! If you don't have good coverage on insurance and medicaid you will be miserable. Found out why the territory is open. If the rep had bad coverage, they were probably got put on a PIP for low rankings and got pushed out. Some territories have turned over two reps or more since launch. There is a reason. Find out what happened before you jump in.

YES!!! I know for a fact a rep interviewed for a non performing territory on the east coast, the co offered him 140K he asked 145K co said no, but regardless 140K is a lot when the previous rep was pushed out for lack of access. The co is pushing everybody out, they just don't care or that is their tactic.

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