What is the average starting salary here and bonus potential for reps in the various divisions???
I will anwser this question for you, I'm not with Amgen-my husband is. He's looking to leave! I've seen him change so much since he started back in August of 2009. His salary is 114,000, he's in the BHBU. Most everyone makes at least six figures and trust me, that's not even enough for all the micromanagement that you have to put up with minute to minute, I hear him complain all the time with others in his business unit! Managers get paid at at least 135,000 and trust me, they do nothing but ride the reps to do better everyday-they do nothing!
You will definitely make six figures for your base. The bonus is going to range but the target is about 35,000 per year! It's based on quarters.
No, that is just his base. Not too sure what the bonus potential is, I will have to ask him because I know there have been some changes but I know last year it was about 37,000.