Starting Salary

ask many questions, to the customers, the employees, the manager etc. Do yourself a favor and learn as much as you can now before you make a jump from the smoke into the fire. Derm quotas have been unrealistic, growth in 06 was minimal so therefore 7/10 made no money and found themselves on the chopping block.

I will anwser this question for you, I'm not with Amgen-my husband is. He's looking to leave! I've seen him change so much since he started back in August of 2009. His salary is 114,000, he's in the BHBU. Most everyone makes at least six figures and trust me, that's not even enough for all the micromanagement that you have to put up with minute to minute, I hear him complain all the time with others in his business unit! Managers get paid at at least 135,000 and trust me, they do nothing but ride the reps to do better everyday-they do nothing!

I will anwser this question for you, I'm not with Amgen-my husband is. He's looking to leave! I've seen him change so much since he started back in August of 2009. His salary is 114,000, he's in the BHBU. Most everyone makes at least six figures and trust me, that's not even enough for all the micromanagement that you have to put up with minute to minute, I hear him complain all the time with others in his business unit! Managers get paid at at least 135,000 and trust me, they do nothing but ride the reps to do better everyday-they do nothing!

Is $114K without bonus? What is average yealy bonus? How many yrs experience does he have?

No, that is just his base. Not too sure what the bonus potential is, I will have to ask him because I know there have been some changes but I know last year it was about 37,000.

You will definitely make six figures for your base. The bonus is going to range but the target is about 35,000 per year! It's based on quarters.

This is so NOT true! I would like to know the % of reps making 6 figures as a base. If you have been doing this for over 10+ years maybe but not everyone is making 6 figures. It depends on how many years of sales you have, what your base currently is, and so many other factors.

maybe even higher, we hire experienced people who sometimes come in with high salaries... but you will only get a bump on what you are currently making and you need proof.

No, that is just his base. Not too sure what the bonus potential is, I will have to ask him because I know there have been some changes but I know last year it was about 37,000.

So a $114,000 base? Quick, do a query on reps making that salary with the bonus of around $37,000 and we have a winner or perhaps loser when we find out who this is.

I'm currenly an employee in the BHBU. My start date was August 10, 2009-I was the first wave hired to sell Prolia. At the time, I had 9 years in the industry-my starting base was 112,000. As far as the bonus, the potential is definitely there but unfortunately, I'm not hitting goal. In my district, it's a known fact, everyone makes at least 6 figures as a base, this does NOT include bonus-no one is making what they should be as far as bonus except the reps in CA-they are blowing the bonus out! So there, factual information! I truly believe that other business units make more than the BHBU!

You are right, very few reps are hitting the goal for bonus. I started with Amgen on August 10 in the BHBU, I was hired in the first wave to sell Prolia. My base is 109,00, true fact! Basically everyone I know started off making six figures. The only reps hitting goal and exceeding bonus are in CA-that one rep made over 90,000 last year just in BONUS! So factual information.

It doesn't matter what the base is, there is no amount of money to compensate for the grief of working in the BHBU! Most of us feel like we have dropped into the fires of hell and want out. It is hard to get out once Amgen is on your resume, so think long and hard before jumping in!

Wow. I got a whole 6% increase to come to Amgen supposedly because the bonus potential was so high. I had 6 years of successful pharma experience and 10 years of experience before that. My starting salary here was $80k! I am livid about being so underpaid, especially because I am in the top 2 in my district and work so damn hard to sell every syringe! The good news is that I just got a huge salary increase from another company (after having been recruited by at least 3 in the last few months-with even looking) and I will be leaving in a week! Amgen tried to offer mr performance points to stay! Hmm, what should I do?! SEE YA SUCKERS!