Really novo start and See !!!!
That is funny! Who the hell came up with the belly bands? They should be fired and tied up with the belly bands sitting in your garage. Then they will start and see how useful they were.Start and see kits will be in my garage right next to my belly bands !!!!
You may be one soon though. Better brush up on your Tresiba!part deux? haven't seen anything on that. glad I am not a 2, lol!!
. Then you are the proud owner of a new start and see kit.I'm TreSEEEBa REAAdaaAy!!
. Then you are the proud owner of a new start and see kit.
Only if you record it properly under your meals. Who doesn’t love chocolate covered almonds and dried cherries as their dessert after Mexican or Italian.Yay! Do I get 85 lbs of chocolate covered almonds with that?