Are most of these positions going to be filled by internal candidates or is J&J looking outside for this expansion?
Are most of these positions going to be filled by internal candidates or is J&J looking outside for this expansion?
These are going to be pretty coveted positions at J&J. From what I understand, most, but not all, positions will be filled with people from lower level primary care spots or one of the hundreds of people that have been displaced over the past year. If you have extensive cardiology experience and have called on the exact docs in the territory you might have a chance, but there will be very heavy internal competition.
Good luck!
That's too bad. J&J really needs some new blood for their top-tier products especially their biologics. The tenured reps and managers they've had for years are coasting until retirement and don't even leave their house anymore to try to see the customers. It would be wise for J&J to give these coveted positions to experienced reps and managers from other companies. There are so many hardworking people who were unfortunately downsized these past years who would bring new energy to the company and make a difference. Many downsized reps and managers from other biotech companies should be the first consideration for these open spots. J&J needs to reshuffle the deck and get rid of the deadweight.
Are most of these positions going to be filled by internal candidates or is J&J looking outside for this expansion?
Something for those of you looking at these positions to consider is that over 100 Cordis reps just got layed off that have far better relationships with cardiologist then the average rep.
Well I guess the relationships were not great ones or the cards would have used more Cordis products and 100 reps would not be looking for work. The so called relationship is the biggest bunch of bullshit in the industry. Doctors are being forced to prescribe what the insurance company tells them to write. The rep has very little impact in pharma these days, device may be different but I am guessing not!!
Shows how little you know about device their skippy. Insurance doesn't dictate what, stent catheter, or balloon gets used. The reps were driving all the sales through relationships. 85% of the business willbe gone in 30 days due to the layoffs. We spent 8-12 hours a day with the cardiologist. You don't get that much time in a year with one. All of my accounts boxed up the Cordis stuff as soon as they heard I wouldn't be their rep anymore. Before you comment know what you are talking about. Cordis Cardio died, because the engineers couldn't keep the new stent on the catheter, and the idiots in charge thought it was a good idea to keep buying the platform from a competitor. When the competitior decided to quit making it, we were set to run out of stents in a few mo
The hospital does have a budget and they can dictate which stents are used skippy!! That much I do know because I used to work in accounting at a large hospital and if a product got too expensive we would not let cards use that product just like pharmacies switch patients to cheaper meds every second of every day, hospital do the same so drop your excuses, so there f....king idiot!!!
Something for those of you looking at these positions to consider is that over 100 Cordis reps just got layed off that have far better relationships with cardiologist then the average rep.
Shows how little you know about device their skippy. Insurance doesn't dictate what, stent catheter, or balloon gets used. The reps were driving all the sales through relationships. 85% of the business willbe gone in 30 days due to the layoffs. We spent 8-12 hours a day with the cardiologist. You don't get that much time in a year with one. All of my accounts boxed up the Cordis stuff as soon as they heard I wouldn't be their rep anymore. Before you comment know what you are talking about. Cordis Cardio died, because the engineers couldn't keep the new stent on the catheter, and the idiots in charge thought it was a good idea to keep buying the platform from a competitor. When the competitior decided to quit making it, we were set to run out of stents in a few mo
The hospital does have a budget and they can dictate which stents are used skippy!! That much I do know because I used to work in accounting at a large hospital and if a product got too expensive we would not let cards use that product just like pharmacies switch patients to cheaper meds every second of every day, hospital do the same so drop your excuses, so there f....king idiot!!!
A good rep will never let a number crunching accountant dictate what will be used. I hope you were a better accountant then you are a rep.