Squid games

What a pointless post. Maybe go sell some blink before you fall through the floor.

im surprisingly doing well with blink which I don’t fing understand. By your reference to one of the games I’m assuming you’ve been watching. It’s a great show isn’t it? Ashleigh sucked for not volunteering for the group.

im surprisingly doing well with blink which I don’t fing understand. By your reference to one of the games I’m assuming you’ve been watching. It’s a great show isn’t it? Ashleigh sucked for not volunteering for the group.
If you have a high producing territory, all you need to do is go around and talk about Blink and some of that talk will stick. You get force ranked against lower producing territories, making you look like some kind of genius.

And yes, otherwise this is a pointless post.

If you have a high producing territory, all you need to do is go around and talk about Blink and some of that talk will stick. You get force ranked against lower producing territories, making you look like some kind of genius.

And yes, otherwise this is a pointless post.

ok negative Nancy. I don’t have a high producing territory. I was doing really well with Seglentis too, and we know no one was handed anything on a silver platter with that medication. No need to accuse me of leaching off of an already successful territory. My territory has had quarter over quarter GROWTH since I began working at Kowa, because I’m a competent sales representative. You sound like a dreadful regional manager. You’d do horribly on squid games because you seem awfully unappealing. Squid games season two season finale is September 9th on Netflix. BYE NANCY! :)

We are all pharmacy reps now, not drug reps. Our so called leaders had years to secure a drug or co-promote drug for the sales force, now they are scrambling to get something. They had no strategical vision for the future of our company. Seglentis was a complete failure from the start, worst drug launch in the history of pharmaceuticals. How many good district managers and reps were let go because of their lack of vision and leadership, yet they still have jobs. We all better pray that they can secure something for us to sell. If not, we will all be let go and unemployed. Blink will not save Kowa. Just keeping it real.

We are all pharmacy reps now, not drug reps. Our so called leaders had years to secure a drug or co-promote drug for the sales force, now they are scrambling to get something. They had no strategical vision for the future of our company. Seglentis was a complete failure from the start, worst drug launch in the history of pharmaceuticals. How many good district managers and reps were let go because of their lack of vision and leadership, yet they still have jobs. We all better pray that they can secure something for us to sell. If not, we will all be let go and unemployed. Blink will not save Kowa. Just keeping it real.

And yet the delusional DM’s and RM’s still keep encouraging us to “SELL BLINK!” With their cheerleader Pom Pom’s and high kicks. Shut up! The leadership team just sitting pretty because you know damn well they won’t lose their jobs, but we will.

ok negative Nancy. I don’t have a high producing territory. I was doing really well with Seglentis too, and we know no one was handed anything on a silver platter with that medication. No need to accuse me of leaching off of an already successful territory.

Oooooooh. Aren’t we defensive? No one accused you of anything. You just chose to be a narcissistic a-hole and freak out. You said “im surprisingly doing well with blink which I don’t fing understand.” You got an explanation and now you’re butt hurt! Grow up.

Oooooooh. Aren’t we defensive? No one accused you of anything. You just chose to be a narcissistic a-hole and freak out. You said “im surprisingly doing well with blink which I don’t fing understand.” You got an explanation and now you’re butt hurt! Grow up.

Shut up Nancy. I mean it’s surprising that doctors are actually sending to blink, and it’s taken me minimal effort to make it happen.

We are all pharmacy reps now, not drug reps. Our so called leaders had years to secure a drug or co-promote drug for the sales force, now they are scrambling to get something. They had no strategical vision for the future of our company. Seglentis was a complete failure from the start, worst drug launch in the history of pharmaceuticals. How many good district managers and reps were let go because of their lack of vision and leadership, yet they still have jobs. We all better pray that they can secure something for us to sell. If not, we will all be let go and unemployed. Blink will not save Kowa. Just keeping it real.
So true!!!!!

Shut up Nancy. I mean it’s surprising that doctors are actually sending to blink, and it’s taken me minimal effort to make it happen.
Shut up yourself, Narc. The reason they send to Blink with minimal effort on your part is because someone else sold them on a great med that they believe in. You are just the recipient.

Shut up yourself, Narc. The reason they send to Blink with minimal effort on your part is because someone else sold them on a great med that they believe in. You are just the recipient.

Are you dumb? More than HALF of the sales representatives didn’t receive IC for Livalo last quarter because majority did not meet the minimum number of BLINK scripts necessary to quality for IC. Leadership had to decrease the original target number so more people could receive money. These are STATISTICS and NUMBERS, this isn’t my subjective opinion on the matter it is FACTS. You don’t have to be a narcissist to read data, you just have to be a relatively competent person, which you obviously are not. You really would do horribly on squid games, not only because you’re not likeable and you’d be voted out by the majority, but also because you’re dense.

Are you dumb? More than HALF of the sales representatives didn’t receive IC for Livalo last quarter because majority did not meet the minimum number of BLINK scripts necessary to quality for IC. Leadership had to decrease the original target number so more people could receive money. These are STATISTICS and NUMBERS, this isn’t my subjective opinion on the matter it is FACTS. You don’t have to be a narcissist to read data, you just have to be a relatively competent person, which you obviously are not. You really would do horribly on squid games, not only because you’re not likeable and you’d be voted out by the majority, but also because you’re dense.
There are plenty of people riding on an ex rep’s coattails. Don’t be so quick to pat yourself on the back narc! But hey, even though you’re a clueless loser, at least you’re getting paid for it.

There are plenty of people riding on an ex rep’s coattails. Don’t be so quick to pat yourself on the back narc! But hey, even though you’re a clueless loser, at least you’re getting paid for it.

did you read anything I wrote or are you mad because you’re one of the people that got $2 for your commission last quarter because you didn’t meet the target either? How were your Seglentis sales last quarter? Also bottom of the totem pole? No coattails to ride there are there Nancy? How about your dck size? Also as small as your commission? Sit down dude you’re embarrassing yourself.

did you read anything I wrote or are you mad because you’re one of the people that got $2 for your commission last quarter because you didn’t meet the target either? How were your Seglentis sales last quarter? Also bottom of the totem pole? No coattails to ride there are there Nancy? How about your dck size? Also as small as your commission? Sit down dude you’re embarrassing yourself.
Please don’t worry about me. I’m doing just fine! Worry about yourself narc!