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Sprycel specialist


I applied for this position but have yet to hear anything. Are these positions going to be filled internally? (like everything is these days) Any information on a time line on hiring?

You do NOT want this job- 2 managers, huge territories, no one stays in it because of stress related health issues. Increased responsibilities with little return. Do yourself a favor and find a different job. They cannot fill internally because everyone knows how bad it is.

This may still be better than where I am currently. What is the typical benefits package? Vacation allowance for new hires? Salary range for experienced rep? Any pension or retiree benefits? Typical bonus for top 25% and average rep? Thanks for any input.

The grass is so not greener over here. You will be expected to sell a drug in a hospital that is not a hospital drug at all. Your bonus is tied beyond belief to other reps and to your district, you have basically no control over how much you will make. They give you. 5k stipend with this position but only after you jump through their hoops and they beat you down. Your target bonus will be 28k at plan....amongst the lowest in the industry for oncology. If you are unemployed, this position is better than not having a job. Whatever you do, do not leave where you are to work for BMS. It will be a huge mistake that you will end up regretting.

They will hire w/out onc experience bc no seasoned onc reps want to work here. The Sprycel specialist position is a joke - as it is not a hospital drug and there is nothing to do. Take the position if you want to beef up your resume and have lots of time to go to play golf, go to the gym, etc. The positions are not needed and should be excessed in the next realignment - this will not happen though as upper management is not from oncology and is totally clueless. Use the position and the company if you want your resume to have oncology on it.

They will hire w/out onc experience bc no seasoned onc reps want to work here. The Sprycel specialist position is a joke - as it is not a hospital drug and there is nothing to do. Take the position if you want to beef up your resume and have lots of time to go to play golf, go to the gym, etc. The positions are not needed and should be excessed in the next realignment - this will not happen though as upper management is not from oncology and is totally clueless. Use the position and the company if you want your resume to have oncology on it.

Correct on management. They have ruined the oncology division and make the people still there nothing but marketing robots. Run from this company.