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Sprycel Inventor Laid Off!!!


There were many scientists quietly laid off from Bristol last week, including the inventor of the best selling in-house oncology drug in Bristol history. This is a company that has lost its moral compass. Good luck to all who work for Bristol and the managers whose paycheck depends on executing their barbaric policies (all IMHO).


I was absolutely shocked!!! I worked with him and he was one of the best chemists I ever had the pleasure to work with.,, but he was apolitical, not an arrogant loudmouth, nor an ass kisser. He just did great science.. You would think management would stand up and protect him, but those people will eat there own if it meant saving a dollar or protecting their own asses. I hear everyone there is so depressed now because of the events a few weeks ago. If he was cut then who is safe really? I was once admonished, even threatened with being fired by my director because I, and I quote " failed too much", and I was also told "I needed to spread the failures, the blame around". I was appalled. This is discovery.. Research !!! I was simply trying new things, thinking outside the box..but of course afterwards I mentally quit and only did exactly (well mostly, LOL) was I was told until I was able to escape the dysfunction!!

I was absolutely shocked!!! I worked with him and he was one of the best chemists I ever had the pleasure to work with.,, but he was apolitical, not an arrogant loudmouth, nor an ass kisser. He just did great science.. You would think management would stand up and protect him, but those people will eat there own if it meant saving a dollar or protecting their own asses. I hear everyone there is so depressed now because of the events a few weeks ago. If he was cut then who is safe really? I was once admonished, even threatened with being fired by my director because I, and I quote " failed too much", and I was also told "I needed to spread the failures, the blame around". I was appalled. This is discovery.. Research !!! I was simply trying new things, thinking outside the box..but of course afterwards I mentally quit and only did exactly (well mostly, LOL) was I was told until I was able to escape the dysfunction!!

Good for you, and I wish you future successes. As for our friends in P.R.I., good luck to all of you too. Whether you were recently separated or still in house, your happiness and your future belong to you. Don't let them steal that from you!

There were many scientists quietly laid off from Bristol last week, including the inventor of the best selling in-house oncology drug in Bristol history. This is a company that has lost its moral compass. Good luck to all who work for Bristol and the managers whose paycheck depends on executing their barbaric policies (all IMHO).

Execs are all in it for themselves- they don't care who they screw.