So those of you who are launching Sprix, hows it going? thanks management.....
A lot better than the launch with Looserpold. 3 months into it and there finally getting visual aides, dosing cards, still low insurance coverage, no pharmacies were stocked, the visual adies had the wrong phone numbers on the sheets, and do not call the home office. Some of the guys are hot though at Looserpold.
Brittney Spears
A lot better than the launch with Looserpold. 3 months into it and there finally getting visual aides, dosing cards, still low insurance coverage, no pharmacies were stocked, the visual adies had the wrong phone numbers on the sheets, and do not call the home office. Some of the guys are hot though at Looserpold.
Brittney Spears
I have and I hooked up with them in Austin.