Spring Meeting Oct

Yes when Kate can’t even understand where Toby is going with a point it’s bad.
Friends not sure if we will be getting an upgrade from Rav. Jury is still out but not feeling encouraged after that mtg. That FMLT needs an overhaul too!

Cathy just speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Nothing is ever consistent with her and all she does is say what the person in front of her wants to hear to appease them and then someone else asks her the same question and she has a completely different answer. I don't believe a thing she says bc she's a complete BS artist. She needs to be gone!!! What a terrible leader. I seen her through the times when she was an FD years ago and that was a disaster and its still baffling to me that she's in the position shes in mind blowing really. Toby hope who ever you hired from Roche is intelligent enough to see how bad she really is and not use her "Roche experience" as a + for Cathy, because it is not!

Cathy just speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Nothing is ever consistent with her and all she does is say what the person in front of her wants to hear to appease them and then someone else asks her the same question and she has a completely different answer. I don't believe a thing she says bc she's a complete BS artist. She needs to be gone!!! What a terrible leader. I seen her through the times when she was an FD years ago and that was a disaster and its still baffling to me that she's in the position shes in mind blowing really. Toby hope who ever you hired from Roche is intelligent enough to see how bad she really is and not use her "Roche experience" as a + for Cathy, because it is not!

Cathy just needs to survive the next two years to her retirement. She doesn’t care what happens to her reports. She’s on self-preservation mode.

By the time she’s ready to go MSLs will be Sales Liaisons thanks to their spineless leadership

FMLT and Peggy need to go. These toxic,non inspiring demotivated Execs are a joke. I won’t call them leaders cause they’re not. Kate what were u thinking?? The culture in the West Region all time low!

Business consultants (ZS and Mckinsey) exposed on LastWeek Tonight
"oversells its brilliance...much of the time The Firm merely reorganizes sales forces or designs by-the-numbers downsizing to reduce overhead"