Spring break 2023!!!

Yep! heading to universal instead of being with my family. Thanks!
What a fng disaster!! Novo is a bunch of assholes trying to justify their jobs. And they don’t do their jobs! Get our meds on the shelves instead of sending us to mtgs NO ONE wants to go to. Oh and it’s spring break where a ton of our kids are off and home from college. F U Novo! Get a fng clue!

I feel for you but the whole March POA thing has been known for months. You probably should have requested your spring break off before they official sent out Hold the Dates.

Unfortunately, the talent at Novo is awful. I have worked with MDs my whole life and the MDs at Novo are r*****s. They must be the rejects who can't get licensed. What they are good at is reporting people to compliance over a lie. There are many who had to leave because a cut throat piece of shit is threatened and then makes up a lie and the good employee goes through the wringer. I know an employee who was told to falsify an expense report from his field director. The field director lied and the ML was fired, It was a shame because the FD was a lazy piece of shit who basically played Mr. Mom and could not even read an excel spreadsheet he was so stupid and the ML was an incredible seasoned person who could work circles around him. I told the ML not to listen to his boss but he felt he had no choice, Rule #1 never let the idiots know you are better than then or they will lie to have the competition removed.