specialty care compliance email


Compliance needs something to brag about to the government, and to demonstrate their need for existence within Pfizer for the upcoming rounds of administrative cuts. So they made a few examples. So what if this dirty company had to implicate people for sacrificial lambs to surrender to the CIA officers?

If anyone tells you that speaker programs won't get you Pfired, they are lying. Tell your DM to quit pushing you.

Truth is if you never work or take a calculated sales risk, you will never get Pfired for not working. It's working stuff that Pfizer hangs your nuts on.

Compliance is watching u.

If any of those 9 are reading this, get a lawyer to subpoena all submissions made through the compliance hotline in November '10. I reported a direct violation where my DBM and RM directed the district to violate the company's direction in selling Lipitor. Shortly after, I was forced out. I was able to get what I wanted to keep me quiet, but nothing happened to the DBM and RM.

If any of those 9 are reading this, get a lawyer to subpoena all submissions made through the compliance hotline in November '10. I reported a direct violation where my DBM and RM directed the district to violate the company's direction in selling Lipitor. Shortly after, I was forced out. I was able to get what I wanted to keep me quiet, but nothing happened to the DBM and RM.

They both need to go. What they did to you was not right. We need to get rid of people who endanger the careers of others. I think I know which RM you are talking about.

what the f' was that about? What division had the 9 people that got fired?

Fact is the corporation needs no "reason" to fire anybody (Pfizer is an "at will" employer). On the other hand, any excuse will do. Legal wants to avoid litigation so they rely on the management process to provide "documentation" that you were not "compliant". Beware letting them put you on any kind of "plan" that would change your status to "not in good standing". When the inevitable layoffs come, no one not in "good standing" will be offered a reasonable severance package. Been there...seen it done to two good friends.

Here's the cure. Make all DBMs host all ezspeak programs. It will be their responsibilty to deal with the speaker and make all corrections at the programs. All we do is invite the attendees. The programs are all video recorded by AHM with waivers signed by all attending.

This way we can nail the DBM for not being in compliance. This will make the playing field even on ridealongs. The DBMs will actually have something to fear from us.

Here's the cure. Make all DBMs host all ezspeak programs. It will be their responsibilty to deal with the speaker and make all corrections at the programs. All we do is invite the attendees. The programs are all video recorded by AHM with waivers signed by all attending.

This way we can nail the DBM for not being in compliance. This will make the playing field even on ridealongs. The DBMs will actually have something to fear from us.

GREAT POST!!! DBMs should be directly responsible for all programs' compliance.

If any of those 9 are reading this, get a lawyer to subpoena all submissions made through the compliance hotline in November '10. I reported a direct violation where my DBM and RM directed the district to violate the company's direction in selling Lipitor. Shortly after, I was forced out. I was able to get what I wanted to keep me quiet, but nothing happened to the DBM and RM.

OK, I will do it, I call Bullshit on this one.

If any of those 9 are reading this, get a lawyer to subpoena all submissions made through the compliance hotline in November '10. I reported a direct violation where my DBM and RM directed the district to violate the company's direction in selling Lipitor. Shortly after, I was forced out. I was able to get what I wanted to keep me quiet, but nothing happened to the DBM and RM.

You should have seen the way we were directed to sell Lipitor in Central PA a few years ago - RM and DM both praised one rep throughout the whole RBU for a selling message that contained at least 7 off label statements and claims of superiority to angioplasty. That rep just made it to Hall of Fame and her DM and RM are still playing their games - so much for compliance!

You should have seen the way we were directed to sell Lipitor in Central PA a few years ago - RM and DM both praised one rep throughout the whole RBU for a selling message that contained at least 7 off label statements and claims of superiority to angioplasty. That rep just made it to Hall of Fame and her DM and RM are still playing their games - so much for compliance!

It's business. Compliance is the term du jour.

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