Special Prosecutor Will Play Hard Ball


AG Barr working closely with CIA Director Haspel, ODNI Director Coats and FBI Director Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump campaign broad interagency effort underway CIA Chief John Brennan, DNI Chief James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey were all involved in promoting the phony, Hillary-funded dossier and passed it around the various intel agencies. Heads will roll !! Biggest political scandal in History can no longer be hidden or defended by the Fake News



AG Barr working closely with CIA Director Haspel, ODNI Director Coats and FBI Director Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump campaign broad interagency effort underway CIA Chief John Brennan, DNI Chief James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey were all involved in promoting the phony, Hillary-funded dossier and passed it around the various intel agencies. Heads will roll !! Biggest political scandal in History can no longer be hidden or defended by the Fake News


Lock them up is right! This is the real Trump scandal! One where Trump is the Victim, not the Perp!

Obama and Hillary and members of the Obama DOJ, intelligence community and FBI should be the ones in the crosshairs, not Trump!

AG Barr working closely with CIA Director Haspel, ODNI Director Coats and FBI Director Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump campaign broad interagency effort underway CIA Chief John Brennan, DNI Chief James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey were all involved in promoting the phony, Hillary-funded dossier and passed it around the various intel agencies. Heads will roll !! Biggest political scandal in History can no longer be hidden or defended by the Fake News


The scandal is - President Trump appointed each and every one of them in 2017 - the Trump Crime Foundation at work. ;)

Lock them up is right! This is the real Trump scandal! One where Trump is the Victim, not the Perp!

Obama and Hillary and members of the Obama DOJ, intelligence community and FBI should be the ones in the crosshairs, not Trump!

Obama needs to testify under oath. I’d bet it happens at some point.

AG Barr working closely with CIA Director Haspel, ODNI Director Coats and FBI Director Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump campaign broad interagency effort underway CIA Chief John Brennan, DNI Chief James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey were all involved in promoting the phony, Hillary-funded dossier and passed it around the various intel agencies. Heads will roll !! Biggest political scandal in History can no longer be hidden or defended by the Fake News


‪#TrumpIsStillYourPresident ‬
‪#AmericaFirst ‬

The scandal is - President Trump appointed each and every one of them in 2017 - the Trump Crime Foundation at work. ;)

The biggest crime foundation is your looney governor newsome and left coast politicians taking taxpayers like you to the cleaners. Thanks for paying WAY MORE in taxes than anywhere else in America to support the illegals. You’re hurting from it real bad. Bravo!

The biggest crime foundation is your looney governor newsome and left coast politicians taking taxpayers like you to the cleaners. Thanks for paying WAY MORE in taxes than anywhere else in America to support the illegals. You’re hurting from it real bad. Bravo!

Right.....the entire state is full of looneys.

god you old people are so stupid

No, we are older and wiser than you are.

There is a reason young and foolish are so often found together. Go look in the mirror for a prime example.

You know, people like you are fascinating in your bigotry and irrationality. You hate unborn children (too young to be respected) and you hate those significantly older than you (too old to be respected). It’s utterly stupid when you were once that young and if you’re fortunate will be as old.

As the saying goes, there’s no fool like an old fool and that’s exactly what you’re well on your way to becoming!

And one last thing, sonny, age bigotry is not an argument! :D

No, we are older and wiser than you are.

There is a reason young and foolish are so often found together. Go look in the mirror for a prime example.

You know, people like you are fascinating in your bigotry and irrationality. You hate unborn children (too young to be respected) and you hate those significantly older than you (too old to be respected). It’s utterly stupid when you were once that young and if you’re fortunate will be as old.

As the saying goes, there’s no fool like an old fool and that’s exactly what you’re well on your way to becoming!

And one last thing, sonny, age bigotry is not an argument! :D

There's no fool like an old fool you got that right. People in their 50's and 60's prank phone calling people like they in still middle school. So retarded:):p:D

There's no fool like an old fool you got that right. People in their 50's and 60's prank phone calling people like they in still middle school. So retarded:):p:D

And you know this how, Skippy.
If you’d get your head out of your ass, you’re phone out of your face, get a job, move out of mommy’s basement and grow up, you might become a contributing member of society vs. the sniveling, pussified, “ taker” that you are.

And you know this how, Skippy.
If you’d get your head out of your ass, you’re phone out of your face, get a job, move out of mommy’s basement and grow up, you might become a contributing member of society vs. the sniveling, pussified, “ taker” that you are.
Or I could grow up to be old and crusty like you and go around prank phone calling people like I'am still in middle school. That sounds like a wonderful option.

What hit a nerve is your obvious poor upbringing and lack of education.
Yeah animals just like you.:) Sorry I not all us can have wealthy baby boomer parents who cater to their every need so you can spent your time hanging out in a disco techs, snorting coke and hanging out with Mr. Goodbar and the brat pack. :p:D:rolleyes: