Speaking Your Mind


In my brief (now done), Lilly experience I found that there is a massive push-back against anyone speaking their mind. The lowest levels of management (2-3 reports), have a tremendous fear of people like that. And work against them. When I felt embarrassed by our legal troubles, and said it, I got a 'taliking to' from my supervisor.

I wasn't being troublesome. Just an honest reflection about our business ethics, and the large consequences that followed. My contract job withered on the vine after that.

The higher-up's pay lip service to speaking your mind. Yet I found low level management in complete dread of me. I was a' loose cannon', though that description is truely laughable. I never said anything beyond what appeared in newspapers.

In my brief (now done), Lilly experience I found that there is a massive push-back against anyone speaking their mind. The lowest levels of management (2-3 reports), have a tremendous fear of people like that. And work against them. When I felt embarrassed by our legal troubles, and said it, I got a 'taliking to' from my supervisor.

I wasn't being troublesome. Just an honest reflection about our business ethics, and the large consequences that followed. My contract job withered on the vine after that.

The higher-up's pay lip service to speaking your mind. Yet I found low level management in complete dread of me. I was a' loose cannon', though that description is truely laughable. I never said anything beyond what appeared in newspapers.

Speaking honestly is not allowed at Lilly. After 30 years as a Lilly rep, I know whereof I speak.

Speaking the truth seems like such a simple concept, but it is not allowed at Lilly.

Speaking honestly is not allowed at Lilly. After 30 years as a Lilly rep, I know whereof I speak.

Speaking the truth seems like such a simple concept, but it is not allowed at Lilly.

Kind of like, just what part of "just shut up and do your job" don't you understand?

I am glad I didn't. For nearly two hours a day for two years, I looked under every rock to find the perfect opportunity. Times are tough, after all, and Indianapolis is no Emerald City.

Well I found a better gig, and each and every Sunday, after Church, I come to Cafepharma, to praise the Lord for another 5 minutes, and say, "Thanks Lord, for Freeing me from that Ball and Chain." Praise the Lord!

I reckon each and everyone of us is responsible for his or her destiny however. Faith alone sometimes will not cut mustard, understand?

Kind of like, just what part of "just shut up and do your job" don't you understand?

I am glad I didn't. For nearly two hours a day for two years, I looked under every rock to find the perfect opportunity. Times are tough, after all, and Indianapolis is no Emerald City.

Well I found a better gig, and each and every Sunday, after Church, I come to Cafepharma, to praise the Lord for another 5 minutes, and say, "Thanks Lord, for Freeing me from that Ball and Chain." Praise the Lord!

I reckon each and everyone of us is responsible for his or her destiny however. Faith alone sometimes will not cut mustard, understand?

And I thought I could follow the yellow brick road into the LCC exalted office space!

Diversity at Lilly is all about race and gender and has nothing to do with thought or opinion.

Don't forget GLBTQ. They have it made at a place like Lilly. As a plain speaker who was pushed out of Lilly (not for that reason, mind you), I agree that Lilly management only gives very feable lip service to the concept of encouraging lower level employees (or anyone for that matter) speaking their mind and really putting the 'moose on the table'. Anyone remember that term?

Don't forget GLBTQ. They have it made at a place like Lilly. As a plain speaker who was pushed out of Lilly (not for that reason, mind you), I agree that Lilly management only gives very feable lip service to the concept of encouraging lower level employees (or anyone for that matter) speaking their mind and really putting the 'moose on the table'. Anyone remember that term?

Anyone bold enough to put an honest 'moose' on the table at a district sales meeting is no longer with the company.

Speaking the truth at Eli Lilly is a very bad idea. I saw so much "Emperor has no clothes" type stuff... Men in high positions sound like fools when them make a statement because they have no idea what's really happening. The men just below them deliver their PM... no matter what is really going on. The PM system creares a culture where high executives are fooled all the time.

Speaking the truth at Eli Lilly is a very bad idea. I saw so much "Emperor has no clothes" type stuff... Men in high positions sound like fools when them make a statement because they have no idea what's really happening. The men just below them deliver their PM... no matter what is really going on. The PM system creares a culture where high executives are fooled all the time.

Reminds me of the whole culture of "system analysts" about a decade ago. The only system analyzed was how to climb the next rung on the corporate ladder. These folks had no clue about medicine. Yet they walk among us - and not just them!

Speaking honestly is not allowed at Lilly. After 30 years as a Lilly rep, I know whereof I speak.

Speaking the truth seems like such a simple concept, but it is not allowed at Lilly.

If that is indeed the case, then why not consider talking to us? (See our thread in the Eli Lilly forum -- Seeking Lilly Employees For Documentary Film.)

Zyprexa made Eli Lilly billions of dollars, even after the various penalties they were forced to pay. Now that the patent has expired, they turn around and fire people to make up for their loss.

We need your stories. Truth may not be allowed at Lilly, but it is with us. Please consider contacting us.


It should come as no surprise that our current so-called "PM" system was introduced by none other than former BOD member (and chair of the "Compensation Committee" Ken Lay of ENRON infamy. They called it 'Rank and Yank' at that, now defunked, Growth Company of the DECADE...

It should come as no surprise that our current so-called "PM" system was introduced by none other than former BOD member (and chair of the "Compensation Committee" Ken Lay of ENRON infamy. They called it 'Rank and Yank' at that, now defunked, Growth Company of the DECADE...

Enron was the most innovative company ever. More of the Bush family Hall of Shame.

Enron was the most innovative company ever. More of the Bush family Hall of Shame.

Or how about Lechleiter asking his friend the president for, oh, I don't know, maybe 5 or 6 hundred million dollars to help Lilly out? Would it be a better investment that the president made in Solyndra....with our tax dollars? Please don't mention Enron or Bush without completing the story of corruption of our current president with Solyndra and LightSquared!

Or how about Lechleiter asking his friend the president for, oh, I don't know, maybe 5 or 6 hundred million dollars to help Lilly out? Would it be a better investment that the president made in Solyndra....with our tax dollars? Please don't mention Enron or Bush without completing the story of corruption of our current president with Solyndra and LightSquared!

Our dear company has been treated with kid gloves by Obama.

The EPA didn't even slap our wrists for two years of Clean Air Act violations... $20 million for 500 daily violations was not even mentionable. Indy based employees had to pay the price with their declining health.

The companies you speak of are in deep do do.

Or how about Lechleiter asking his friend the president for, oh, I don't know, maybe 5 or 6 hundred million dollars to help Lilly out? Would it be a better investment that the president made in Solyndra....with our tax dollars? Please don't mention Enron or Bush without completing the story of corruption of our current president with Solyndra and LightSquared!

It's not easy to compete with Chinese monopolies subsidized by $US 30b (solar sector alone!).

Lilly mgmt has their heads in the sand with their chinese involvement http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...ows-as-solyndra-fails-amid-cheap-imports.html if you think pharma will be different, think again.

You will never, ever win - unless you are Chinese.

Speaking honestly is not allowed at Lilly. After 30 years as a Lilly rep, I know whereof I speak.

Speaking the truth seems like such a simple concept, but it is not allowed at Lilly.

Oh Gawd, I love it when you use words like "whereof"... please give me more... AND I love old men too.... where are you when I need you.