Speaker Programs

Lol You must sell Ajovy. It’s a highly competitive market with garbage access, marketed like shit and coupled with the worst launch ever. So what do you think they are going to ask of you?? Activity activity activity... ask your best friend or the docs that show up to everything to attend a program with zero ROI but we need activity because our sales suck. That’s why you are getting pressured. Switch sales forces or companies if you don’t like it. Otherwise accept the fact that you are selling a dog and will never beat the competition. Ever

For a company in so much debt you sure do push pointless speaker programs and mail sales reps the most ridiculous pointless materials that half of which get thrown in the trash. Got some real winners who based on their intelligence level are lucky to have their job in NJ.

For a company in so much debt you sure do push pointless speaker programs and mail sales reps the most ridiculous pointless materials that half of which get thrown in the trash. Got some real winners who based on their intelligence level are lucky to have their job in NJ.

Corporate monkeys trying to justify their existence.

The company needs a downfall plan. Depending on your division, if the $1B in sales isn’t achieved, leadership can say we made the calls on the right targets, we spent budget, we did the programs, we sent the emails, etc. Just do the circus act upfront and behind the scenes, do what you’ve always done. If you have done this job more than two years, you should know many of these activities don’t generate business.