Speak Up


Please Speak Up if you’ve ever filed a speak up report and let me know how it went.
The amount of Speak Up worthy evidence of discrimination I have at this point is unequivocal, but I wonder if anyone at Novartis has ever had any benefit to filing a report.
Only answer this if you’ve done it or know someone who has and let me know how it turned out.

Please Speak Up if you’ve ever filed a speak up report and let me know how it went.
The amount of Speak Up worthy evidence of discrimination I have at this point is unequivocal, but I wonder if anyone at Novartis has ever had any benefit to filing a report.
Only answer this if you’ve done it or know someone who has and let me know how it turned out.

I filed 2 in my time and Novartis. Both individuals should have been terminated. It was ”investigated” and concerns were supposedly addressed, but NOTHING happened and both are still at Novartis.

This company may talk a good game at the corporate level, but field sales gets zero protection from discrimination. Company values mean nothing out here. Managers use the buzzword “accountability” frequently, but they are held to no accountability. High achieving sales numbers are generally ignored and disregarded in favor of social hierarchy. I doubt Speak Up will inflict any accountability to management level or higher.

Please Speak Up if you’ve ever filed a speak up report and let me know how it went.
The amount of Speak Up worthy evidence of discrimination I have at this point is unequivocal, but I wonder if anyone at Novartis has ever had any benefit to filing a report.
Only answer this if you’ve done it or know someone who has and let me know how it turned out.
Have your evidence vetted by legal council before moving forward.
H.R. serves management, and this isn't something they try to hide.
If you speak up, you are creating internal conflict, and they don't care if you have been discriminated against or not.
You need to have an attorney review your case before deciding to move forward.

If you’ve got solid proof of discrimination, it’s worth filing a Speak Up report. Just make sure your evidence is strong—more than just your word against theirs. Speak Up digs deep, and they’re there to protect the company, so they’ll really investigate. I’ve seen cases where reports didn’t go far because the proof wasn’t solid, and nothing bad happened to those employees. However, I’ve also seen cases where baseless reports were filed, which didn’t end well for those individuals. So, think about whether your evidence is clear and if it’s truly discrimination or just someone being difficult.

If you’ve got solid proof of discrimination, it’s worth filing a Speak Up report. Just make sure your evidence is strong—more than just your word against theirs. Speak Up digs deep, and they’re there to protect the company, so they’ll really investigate. I’ve seen cases where reports didn’t go far because the proof wasn’t solid, and nothing bad happened to those employees. However, I’ve also seen cases where baseless reports were filed, which didn’t end well for those individuals. So, think about whether your evidence is clear and if it’s truly discrimination or just someone being difficult.
Evidence is good and spans several years and multiple instances. I wonder if anyone has ever been successful at getting what they want via a Speak Up report or if the only way is to file a federal complaint.

Yes, I filed one and not only was my name shared but nothing was done. The investigator did not contact the people who had also experienced the behavior nor the people who had resigned due to it. So it continues. Unbelievable and I have been debating on what to do about it. Speak up is obviously a scam.

Yes, I filed one and not only was my name shared but nothing was done. The investigator did not contact the people who had also experienced the behavior nor the people who had resigned due to it. So it continues. Unbelievable and I have been debating on what to do about it. Speak up is obviously a scam.
You won't win. You can't win. H.R. is a house-organ for senior management. If you have ever been involved in an H.R. case with any large pharmaceutical company (two and counting), you know the deck is 100% stacked to favor the A.B.L., R.D., or anyone else who has run afoul of the organizational rules. They only exist to exert pressure on the rep so they will either quit or accept a woefully inadequate settlement.
Without external help, sadly, you have no chance. It is completely unfair that, usually, the only real option is quitting and moving on, but that is how this industry functions.

You won't win. You can't win. H.R. is a house-organ for senior management. If you have ever been involved in an H.R. case with any large pharmaceutical company (two and counting), you know the deck is 100% stacked to favor the A.B.L., R.D., or anyone else who has run afoul of the organizational rules. They only exist to exert pressure on the rep so they will either quit or accept a woefully inadequate settlement.
Without external help, sadly, you have no chance. It is completely unfair that, usually, the only real option is quitting and moving on, but that is how this industry functions.