SP Severance package question


Thoughts on Merck allowing former SP reps to raise their hand and take their package before it expires in November. This would allow all us unhappy SP reps a chance to take their payout and leave. It also would create more job security for the reps who want to be here!


Thoughts on Merck allowing former SP reps to raise their hand and take their package before it expires in November. This would allow all us unhappy SP reps a chance to take their payout and leave. It also would create more job security for the reps who want to be here!

AGREE. save people who want to keep thier jobs!

This scheme is perfectly logical if ... the goal is happy ex-employees and secure committed employees. But the goal is cost-savings. The best bet is to assume that the sun has pretty much set on any hopes to secure that S-P severance. It is possible that this Remicade situation slowed Merck's progress at cleaning house of former S-P employees. There still will be reductions in force - but on Merck's terms. Across all organizations there will be management pressure to increase the attrition rate so in the next 12 months morale might actually get worse. Housekeeping layoffs in Q4 ought to be anticipated. In the second half of 2012, when the financial picture is clearer, focusing on what it will take to retain employees may come into vogue. Can you wait that long and do you have faith that this company will ever focus on their non-management employees?

The two prior posters have it right.

It will be on Merck's terms, especially in 2012 when both:
a) reduced, less attractive sev. policy kicks in, and
b) that sev. calculation includes the reduction in pay (harmonization?)
that other CF threads suggest may occur then.

The two prior posters have it right.

It will be on Merck's terms, especially in 2012 when both:
a) reduced, less attractive sev. policy kicks in, and
b) that sev. calculation includes the reduction in pay (harmonization?)
that other CF threads suggest may occur then.

I thought harmonization was suppose to be music to our ears. Dont think so. :(

I would love to get a package. We got screwed from SP. I just found out my oncology counterpart makes 70 THOUSAND more a year IN BASE salary....oh and thats fair!!! Very pissed right now.

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