South-Recent tornadoes and disaster


This would be a great opportunity for anyone within this company to make a donation of anykind to the American Red Cross to help with the southern states who were recently hit by horrible tornadoes. A lot of people have lost everything and even some their lives. The pictures on the news and TV do not do justice to what these cities actually look like. They are a disaster and some are wiped out. If you have seen the news and would like to help please donate to the American Red Coss. Just go to their website and donate to disaster relief. It is going to cost billions to bring these towns back and anything you can do to help would be great! Thanks

International Committee of the Red Cross is defending its practice of providing medical training and basic medical supplies to the Taliban in Afghanistan." In other words, the Red Cross is supporting the terrorists in Afghanistan - for four years! The Red Cross also states "it has provided similar training in Darfur, Sudan and to Hamas members in Gaza." So the Red Cross supports terrorists in Sudan, Hamas, and racist genocide in Darfur. What a wonderful illustration of the problems with the Red Cross.

We should all find a way to help, But the red cross sucks!

I do not believe that to be true! Either way just find a way to help! The people of the South are up on their feet doing everything they can to get their lives back. Help them if you can!

I do not believe that to be true! Either way just find a way to help! The people of the South are up on their feet doing everything they can to get their lives back. Help them if you can!

Donate anything you can, as many areas are still totally devastated...

Adjust our goals down this quarter! This is a national disaster.