South Florida Zoll Crew

Stud. A real winner

A "Clinical"? What do you mean by clinical? There is no such thing as a clinical at ZOLL. If you're calling a PSR a clinical that is such a laughable joke. A person that throws the lifevest on somebody and shows them how to put a battery in and take out and put it together is not a "clinical" . This place cracks me up. Get a real job with a real company with a real device you want to be a loser

A "Clinical"? What do you mean by clinical? There is no such thing as a clinical at ZOLL. If you're calling a PSR a clinical that is such a laughable joke. A person that throws the lifevest on somebody and shows them how to put a battery in and take out and put it together is not a "clinical" . This place cracks me up. Get a real job with a real company with a real device you want to be a loser

I'm still trying to figure out whether Zoll management calls things differently because they're intentionally trying to decieve people, or because they honestly don't know and are incompetent. Or both. Calling a PSR a clinical is indeed wrong, and this company doesn't have "clinical" in our field.

I'm still trying to figure out whether Zoll management calls things differently because they're intentionally trying to decieve people, or because they honestly don't know and are incompetent. Or both. Calling a PSR a clinical is indeed wrong, and this company doesn't have "clinical" in our field.

Substitute in "support person"

Substitute in "support person"

I saw the job description once: ability to program devices like a VCR.
I also laughed when they wanted to be on par with others (play with the big boys) and started calling PSRs "clinicals" and the LifeVest division CMS (cardiac management solutions). Really?

These morons would screw up ordering cold cuts at the Deli......

I saw the job description once: ability to program devices like a VCR.
I also laughed when they wanted to be on par with others (play with the big boys) and started calling PSRs "clinicals" and the LifeVest division CMS (cardiac management solutions). Really?

These morons would screw up ordering cold cuts at the Deli......

They have very stiff competition and they still have prevailed - Bow down to the one true company.

They have very stiff competition and they still have prevailed - Bow down to the one true company.

"Bow down"??? I won't even dignify that comment. I don't think anyone has ever disagreed that they created a space (necessary or not) but, the best thing that could happen is competition. Competition would make them address the short comings. The fact that Zoll doesn't address the most basic of concerns directly related to patient care is disgusting. These shear acts of willful ignorance really show you the moral imperatives and integrity of the leadership.

Altruism is not welcome in med device field. Thanks

You need to review the definition of altruism. The medical industry as a whole does display altruism in various forms. The fact that you haven't recognized, considered or displayed such accordingly just speaks volumes regarding the integrity of this (Zoll culture); wrong hire, wrong company, wrong moral fiber and character.

Look, there is one manager/ corporate person who has been assigned to place a few positive, albeit stupid, messages on this site to try and counter the over whelming negative posts. It's ridiculous, so don't even waste your time responding. The turnover here year after year speaks for itself. If the company and the product were so great why would anyone leave? Out of a sales force of 300 plus over 200 leave within 2 years. Why??? Is management incompetent and can't hire? Or are there big issues with the company? What's your answer corporate person assigned to leave positive comments? Why turnover.? According to you this is a top notch organization. Please explain. This should to be good!

Look, there is one manager/ corporate person who has been assigned to place a few positive, albeit stupid, messages on this site to try and counter the over whelming negative posts. It's ridiculous, so don't even waste your time responding. The turnover here year after year speaks for itself. If the company and the product were so great why would anyone leave? Out of a sales force of 300 plus over 200 leave within 2 years. Why??? Is management incompetent and can't hire? Or are there big issues with the company? What's your answer corporate person assigned to leave positive comments? Why turnover.? According to you this is a top notch organization. Please explain. This should to be good!

I am a one percenter, are you?