South Area DEI&B newsletter -


So, if you read the column by KYJB on Indigenous People's Day, the first sentence of the second paragraph states that "Columbus Day was first founded to appreciate the mistreatment of Italian Americans..".... oh really?? Columbus Day is to celebrate that? I don't personally know KYJB, but I would suggest she look at something other than Wikipedia before writing newsletters. Best part - this was sent out on behalf of NICK FRAGER, SENIOR RBD. Quality work there Nick, attaching your name to this drivel.

We can all understand that Native Americans have an issue with Columbus Day - and we all know that Native Americans are NATIVE to AMERICA. But it was a discovery for the Europeans when Columbus arrived in the might hate that fact, but it did happen. People move, people explore, people resettle. Its human history. We can and should talk about mistakes of the past, but most rational people don't look at Columbus Day as a negative. That's the purview of the woke generation.

The rest of this piece is more of the same - just like this newsletter is. The sooner that the DEI&B team stops the push to marginalize White males, the sooner we will be willing to take you seriously.


Just looked at that email. It does say that in the story, and as an I Italian(not Italian American, just an American that has Italian lineage), I am thoroughly offended. I hope the HR and management folks that look on CP will have the DEI&B folks remove that article. Shameful.

Apparently you don’t read too much history, because Columbus Day was recognized as a federal holiday through extensive lobbying by the Italian American community. They see it as a day to celebrate their heritage and not about Columbus’s discovery of “America.” (The closest he came was Cuba).

Also, it’s debatable whether or not Columbus was even Italian and he sailed for Spain, so it’s not clear what they’re even celebrating lol.

Feel free to take the day off to observe your whiteness, though. We all get unlimited time off now, remember?

So, if you read the column by KYJB on Indigenous People's Day, the first sentence of the second paragraph states that "Columbus Day was first founded to appreciate the mistreatment of Italian Americans..".... oh really?? Columbus Day is to celebrate that? I don't personally know KYJB, but I would suggest she look at something other than Wikipedia before writing newsletters. Best part - this was sent out on behalf of NICK FRAGER, SENIOR RBD. Quality work there Nick, attaching your name to this drivel.

We can all understand that Native Americans have an issue with Columbus Day - and we all know that Native Americans are NATIVE to AMERICA. But it was a discovery for the Europeans when Columbus arrived in the might hate that fact, but it did happen. People move, people explore, people resettle. Its human history. We can and should talk about mistakes of the past, but most rational people don't look at Columbus Day as a negative. That's the purview of the woke generation.

The rest of this piece is more of the same - just like this newsletter is. The sooner that the DEI&B team stops the push to marginalize White males, the sooner we will be willing to take you seriously.

Columbus was a Murderous, Dictator, Thug who ended up in jail at the end of his life. He was lost and didn’t discover America!!! Read his own words in his Letters that he wrote. He was an evil, terrible, rotten human being.

Columbus was a Murderous, Dictator, Thug who ended up in jail at the end of his life. He was lost and didn’t discover America!!! Read his own words in his Letters that he wrote. He was an evil, terrible, rotten human being.

You should spend less time learning about Columbus and more time on basic grammar and spelling. Unhinged rants such as yours are often undermined by poor grammar and spelling and are easy to dismiss as a result.

Its so easy to spot the WOKE folks on this thread. My guess is that these are the same people that support tearing down the monuments to our founding fathers in this country, because some owned slaves at one time.

Seriously people, it's one thing to update history with more of the story of the individual, but its another thing to go all out to cancel those people because one person or another wasn't an ideal human being. Despite the faults of many - a lot of incredible things have been been done throughout history by these same people. Even MLK had some questionable things in his life that are swept under the rug. It doesn't diminish what he accomplished, but it certainly make him more HUMAN.

He committed genocide and tortured the people who he “conquered.” Literally read some of his own diary entries. He was one of the worst humans to ever walk the earth.

It’s called “presentism” - you’re taking today’s moral standards and trying to apply them to people who lived hundreds of years ago. It doesn’t work that way. The world was conquered and settled, just like the Native American tribes were conquering one another in pursuit of more land and power and resources. That’s simply how the world was back then. If you want to accuse Columbus of genocide, then those he conquered were guilty of the exact same thing. Quit selectively applying a present day moral standard to historical figures that you want to disparage,

It’s called “presentism” - you’re taking today’s moral standards and trying to apply them to people who lived hundreds of years ago. It doesn’t work that way. The world was conquered and settled, just like the Native American tribes were conquering one another in pursuit of more land and power and resources. That’s simply how the world was back then. If you want to accuse Columbus of genocide, then those he conquered were guilty of the exact same thing. Quit selectively applying a present day moral standard to historical figures that you want to disparage,
Truth. Native Americans killed other native Americans for land and power long before any Europeans made it here. It happened all over the world whether they were black, white, brown or otherwise. As a matter of fact it is still happening today in Ukraine, Africa, the Middle East and the rest of the world. The media and the morons at novo on CP need to please stop picking and choosing facts to report.

It’s called “presentism” - you’re taking today’s moral standards and trying to apply them to people who lived hundreds of years ago. It doesn’t work that way. The world was conquered and settled, just like the Native American tribes were conquering one another in pursuit of more land and power and resources. That’s simply how the world was back then. If you want to accuse Columbus of genocide, then those he conquered were guilty of the exact same thing. Quit selectively applying a present day moral standard to historical figures that you want to disparage,

I'm glad you shared this comment. I'm not familiar with the term 'presentism', but have had many scenarios debating woke millennial that this applies exactly...but couldn't articulate it. Thanks for sharing.

I'm glad you shared this comment. I'm not familiar with the term 'presentism', but have had many scenarios debating woke millennial that this applies exactly...but couldn't articulate it. Thanks for sharing.
There are many people that want both of the sides to shut the fuck up, the people screaming woke and you morons incessantly whining about them.

There are many people that want both of the sides to shut the fuck up, the people screaming woke and you morons incessantly whining about them.

Yes. I get it. You want to bury your head in the sand and hope everything is ok. Unfortunately, it’s not. Apathy doesn’t fix anything. So, we’ll go back to debating and you can take a break from CP for a little while if this offends you.

Yes. I get it. You want to bury your head in the sand and hope everything is ok. Unfortunately, it’s not. Apathy doesn’t fix anything. So, we’ll go back to debating and you can take a break from CP for a little while if this offends you.
Wrong. It’s the stupidity displayed by you idiots debating on the internet. No discussion is necessary for you to get out and take action.

Yes. I get it. You want to bury your head in the sand and hope everything is ok. Unfortunately, it’s not. Apathy doesn’t fix anything. So, we’ll go back to debating and you can take a break from CP for a little while if this offends you.
You don’t get it. I’ve taught financial literacy in underprivileged neighborhoods, GED classes in battered women’s shelters, mentored inner city youths, and more. What are you doing to major a difference outside of your incessant whining on Cafepharma? How’s it working out for you? Grow up. Your bitching isn’t changing anything, internet warrior.

It’s called “presentism” - you’re taking today’s moral standards and trying to apply them to people who lived hundreds of years ago. It doesn’t work that way. The world was conquered and settled, just like the Native American tribes were conquering one another in pursuit of more land and power and resources. That’s simply how the world was back then. If you want to accuse Columbus of genocide, then those he conquered were guilty of the exact same thing. Quit selectively applying a present day moral standard to historical figures that you want to disparage,
Thank you !!
It’s the perfect way to explain it, thank you.
Best thing I’ve seen on CP (or anywhere) in a while.