Always look forward to Friday to get what’s left of my soul back after selling Ilumya all week. Dealing with incompetent RSM, FRM, and Hub. Offices hate in office administration and I can only spin our data so much. You can’t polish a turd.
Toxic gossip and rep shaming of the ilumya team is worst in industry. And while I’m on a roll Levulan and “specialty derm” folks are assholes in shared accounts. Throwing a rep that works for same company under the bus with bullshit is petty af! What dicks!
Toxic gossip and rep shaming of the ilumya team is worst in industry. And while I’m on a roll Levulan and “specialty derm” folks are assholes in shared accounts. Throwing a rep that works for same company under the bus with bullshit is petty af! What dicks!