Sorry Watson Folks...

If history repeats itself, Tommy G and Bobby (Free Loader & Suck Ass) DoMeee will be bombarding the field force with call reports to the point where you will just want to curl up and die!

If history repeats itself, Tommy G and Bobby (Free Loader & Suck Ass) DoMeee will be bombarding the field force with call reports to the point where you will just want to curl up and die!

It's all about metrics baby! That's how the Griff justifies his job. What a screw up! Bayer never fires anyone- except the Griff. It's going to be a call reporting party! Griffin needs to do the whole pharma/med device industry a favor and go jump off a 50 story building:)

I met this douchebag at a rep review meeting, and at the break, he walks with me to the john and says..... "we got alot of house cleaning to do, don't we?" Yes, it's only a matter of time until he starts dumpin managers and reps to bring his own posse of yes-people.

I lived through a period of tyranny with these two clowns several years ago and remained a top sales performer despite their antics. It appears they are back to their old tricks. It is also quite evident that Watson does not have much rigor in their interviewing & selection process. On the bright side, maybe they got a 2-for-1 sale with TG & BD. Good luck to all as you will certainly need it!

I lived through a period of tyranny with these two clowns several years ago and remained a top sales performer despite their antics. It appears they are back to their old tricks. It is also quite evident that Watson does not have much rigor in their interviewing & selection process. On the bright side, maybe they got a 2-for-1 sale with TG & BD. Good luck to all as you will certainly need it!

You said, "tyranny...clowns...antics...old tricks". Also "does not have much rigor in their interviewing...". Them's some pretty big words for a CC graduate! Are you really Messed Up Grrr? Or maybe Messed Up Grrr's cuzin??

You said, "tyranny...clowns...antics...old tricks". Also "does not have much rigor in their interviewing...". Them's some pretty big words for a CC graduate! Are you really Messed Up Grrr? Or maybe Messed Up Grrr's cuzin??

Watson is a joke. Managment doesn't know any better, because they are too busy worrrying about stealing money from there employees. As for the employees, everyone who still works there are just a bunch of losers and either can't go anywhere or are too lazy to go anywhere.

Watson is a joke. Managment doesn't know any better, because they are too busy worrrying about stealing money from there employees. As for the employees, everyone who still works there are just a bunch of losers and either can't go anywhere or are too lazy to go anywhere.

Ahhh! But if you are working 2 jobs, Watson is a good place to just hang around, and collect an additional paycheck for doing almost nothing! I'm doing a bit of stealing myself!