Sorry to leave


As many said goodbye, I am sorry for those that stayed and did not get a package. Those left are the friends and family ring and some innocent hostages. The leaders that allowed this to happen twice all remain and are now at the mercy of Biogen. After the upcoming FDA meeting they will either support the company or walk away, watch the stock plummet and come back and buy it for a fraction. The only hope is if the leadership team makes enough money on the sale to retire so they don’t wreak havoc on the workforce again with their bad judgement and poor management. It was a good ride the short while it lasted.


As many said goodbye, I am sorry for those that stayed and did not get a package. Those left are the friends and family ring and some innocent hostages. The leaders that allowed this to happen twice all remain and are now at the mercy of Biogen. After the upcoming FDA meeting they will either support the company or walk away, watch the stock plummet and come back and buy it for a fraction. The only hope is if the leadership team makes enough money on the sale to retire so they don’t wreak havoc on the workforce again with their bad judgement and poor management. It was a good ride the short while it lasted.

What FDA meeting are you speaking of?

My manager said managers should learn their fate this week and reps will find out next week. I haven’t heard from her yet. I hope she still has a job

Yeah, it’s been eerily quiet from my manager who is usually very communicative via texts. It’s even more concerning since they were saying we would hear something early this week. I just looked on the Biogen board and rumors are Biogen might do the lifting of reps which makes no logical sense since most of us in limbo have the OB relationships.

Yeah, it’s been eerily quiet from my manager who is usually very communicative via texts. It’s even more concerning since they were saying we would hear something early this week. I just looked on the Biogen board and rumors are Biogen might do the lifting of reps which makes no logical sense since most of us in limbo have the OB relationships.

do you really believe that this is anything other than silence of the lambs?

I was told they are keeping 4 managers and about 25 reps. My manager thought we would hear more next week but my email says end of September. Haha what a joke. Thank god I didn’t quit my other job.

So the email still didn’t tell you if you have a job?! And now you have to wait until the end of Sept to find out if you’re one of the 25? Wow- they really are dragging their feet. So awful to continue to do this to people. Hurry up and wait… forever. The people I feel bad for are the ones that don’t have a job and have been waiting on this “opportunity” for months.

I was told they are keeping 4 managers and about 25 reps. My manager thought we would hear more next week but my email says end of September. Haha what a joke. Thank god I didn’t quit my other job.

4 managers and 25 reps nationwide which will mean massive unworkable territories. What the hell is even the point of launching this drug if that’s all you’re going to do!? More importantly why the hell would Biogen still want in on this? The revenue will be a fraction of what it would have projected with both indications. No way offers will be the same as before either

No start date yet. They haven’t told us which 25 reps they are keeping yet.
Either way this is pointless. 4 managers for 25 reps so each manager had 6 reps. No thanks. I don’t need a manager riding in the field with me weekly because they have nothing else to do. Plus reps will have huge territories.

4 managers and 25 reps nationwide which will mean massive unworkable territories. What the hell is even the point of launching this drug if that’s all you’re going to do!? More importantly why the hell would Biogen still want in on this? The revenue will be a fraction of what it would have projected with both indications. No way offers will be the same as before either
You are spot on. Anyone that wait around for the sinking ship is crazy… Biogen will want out and their money back