Zoll is one giant, awesome party!!! Let's make the dream come true! Everyone pull together as a team and let's get this boat rocking!!
Zoll is one giant, awesome party!!! Let's make the dream come true! Everyone pull together as a team and let's get this boat rocking!!
Party in Atlantic City! Fist pumpin' with a bunch of douche bag managers.
Really? This sounds like one of our fabulous managers trying to fill a job with a warm body. Nobody likes this place.Zoll reminds me of the glory years in Big Pharma. Hammering beers, women and cashing big checks. Best job in the industry!!
Really? This sounds like one of our fabulous managers trying to fill a job with a warm body. Nobody likes this place.
Kids right out of college would be happy as hell to take your job from you. Keep that in mind buckaroo
Lol EXACTLY! Good reps split when shitty pay plan put in place. Zoll wants kids who take direction and are happy to just be employed. Managers are the same. Pharma losers with no clue how to overcome obstacles. So true buckaroo. Instead of a party it's a funeral!
Funeral for old washed up hacks like you!! Baptism into gainful employment for our future stars.
You are probably SOOOOOO in demand you have 5 different 450K+++ offers. Man up fucker and leave this company with no job. That will show everyone who is boss. If you have any integrity that is what you would do. Let me guess----- you have a pharmaceutical background and can't cut it at Zoll.
Thanks.... Was offered the job today. Actually my past was cardiac surgery not pharm. Didn't get 450 but finically will be working for a nice comp plan. Ps I am leaving you mr ZOLL with a territory over plan. Take care. Would like to say it was fun but it wasn't. Sales should never have to worry about a process that hinders the ability to complete the sale. You gave me a territory under 200 thousand and I'm leaving you with over 1.4 million. I have no respect for my 3 managers that I've worked for nor my regional director. Non had card experience. Non had any idea how our patient moves within the health care system. Non knew anything about EP procedures or how to converse effectively with them. I have nothing to thank you for. You have made my life miserable took money from my pocket made me chase down worthless documents for Medicaid patients which we will never receive revenue on. You have made me micro manage every MO I sent into the office. I have constantly had to apologize to physicians for intakes phone calls and mistakes. I have had to drive in horrible weather to pick up systems in nearby sales territories because my AC is compensated to keep my inventory to a minimum. You have made me apologize to PSRs that I have hired, who work for high volume customers, because you consistently dock their pay. Thank you for nothing mr Zoll.
This place is being run as poorly as Daiichi and we all know what happened to that company. The managers are a joke and its a circle jerk of douchebags that tell each other they rock.
Dude, I just told a fellow manager this morning that he rocked and then he told me that I Rock. Are you saying we are both wrong?? Sorry for partying
Karma is a bitch your little circle is under the same scrutiny that your reps on pips are, can you hear the fat lady singing with your dog ears?