Soolantra List Incentive Rip Off


It's come to my attention that the weekly data that formed the back bone of the segment list incentive during the Soolantra launch was totally F'd up ! 10k bye bye .

Many local or State Wide specialty pharmacies data was not reported , those scripts just disappeared into thin air . There were NO card redemption reports , the whole thing and the numbers were a sham .

Tracy our ' Leader ' put his head in the sand and refused to listen to questions , he got sooooo mad when data questions were raised by the sales force . DSM's were told to stand down & feed their people BS . THIS IS SICK . You & I have been screwed over by fools and clowns who didn't see it coming . Even IRMAT data is foggy .

Why wasn't someone in managed markets , access on this ? O I forgot that group has been renamed " professional excuses dept " they fill out spreadsheets on why our products aren't covered .

Again did anyone see a card redemption report , call GG to find out your #1 writer wasn't telling lies they had rxed 20 , but you had only seen 5 on weeklies ?

The company is getting PAID , but we are not . No transparency only smoke and mirrors . This SHIT has gotta stop . I myself am visiting with an employment lawyer friend this week for lunch , time to bring this house of cards down .


oh shut up and go jump off a bridge!

This is the kinda home office response you get around here lacking maturity .

Compensation is an emotional topic for any sales force. I see the frustration in the OP . Bottom , transparency is lacking, so is trust between field and office.

If there is nothing to hide why are there such off limit subjects ? Why so defensive ?
There is a pattern here that is not good for morale .

It's come to my attention that the weekly data that formed the back bone of the segment list incentive during the Soolantra launch was totally F'd up ! 10k bye bye .

Many local or State Wide specialty pharmacies data was not reported , those scripts just disappeared into thin air . There were NO card redemption reports , the whole thing and the numbers were a sham .

Tracy our ' Leader ' put his head in the sand and refused to listen to questions , he got sooooo mad when data questions were raised by the sales force . DSM's were told to stand down & feed their people BS . THIS IS SICK . You & I have been screwed over by fools and clowns who didn't see it coming . Even IRMAT data is foggy .

Why wasn't someone in managed markets , access on this ? O I forgot that group has been renamed " professional excuses dept " they fill out spreadsheets on why our products aren't covered .

Again did anyone see a card redemption report , call GG to find out your #1 writer wasn't telling lies they had rxed 20 , but you had only seen 5 on weeklies ?

The company is getting PAID , but we are not . No transparency only smoke and mirrors . This SHIT has gotta stop . I myself am visiting with an employment lawyer friend this week for lunch , time to bring this house of cards down .

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