Something to consider if you're thinking about leaving


We all know working for this company can be challenging, but many stay on because frankly it's an easy gig that pays well....but consider this story when you debate whether or not to leave.

I just finished the interview process with a device company. Not the first time I've interviewed with another company, but this time I faced a question I was not really prepared to answer. I was at the final interview Friday with the Director and everything was going fine. He said this was more of a formality, the manager will decide who to hire, yadda yadda, but he had one question for me...."With all the changes to the sales force, what took you so long to decide to leave Pfizer?"....I had never really thought about things that way. People always want to know the same shit. They always ask why you want to leave, but no one had ever asked why I hadn't done it already. His point was a valid one. I mean, the actual reason was simply that the job was a joke, and I was making good money doing very little, but that's not exactly something you can say. I thought quickly and said that I am loyal person, and i wanted to follow through on my commitment to success at Pfizer. All the changes just motivated me more to do well in an increasingly difficult environment. Bullshit, I know, but that's what I came up with.....

The interview ended after an hour or so and I actually got the call today with an offer, but it made me realize something. Doing nothing can speak a hell of a lot louder than doing something. Even if you don't get laid off this time around be conscious of what staying here says to potential future employers. It certainly doesn't tell them that you really want to be in a competitive sales enviornment and work hard for your money.
