Something Just Doesn’t Add Up...Why Create Value For Generic Vascepa?


Why does Management want us focused on selling Vascepa when Generics will just come right in and swoop up business the minute they come to market soon. Just doesn’t make sense to make it easy for them.

Why does Management want us focused on selling Vascepa when Generics will just come right in and swoop up business the minute they come to market soon. Just doesn’t make sense to make it easy for them.
Perhaps Amarin will manufacture one of the generic brands? Make money after you get kicked to the curb.

Let’s make generic Vascepa! Lilly did it for their insulin franchise.The vial said insulin lispro but of course it was Their branded Humalog! It will be marketed under ecosapent ethyl. No bargaining with the big bad PBMs for discounts or Heath plans for discounts