Something good to say


Doensn't anyone have anything good to say about Amgen? For example:

Great benefits
The Amgym
Great food service
Cars for reps
Great pay compared to other places
An actual state of the art training center for reps
A week of in Dec and Jul

Good for you, and agree completely. This is a vocal minority that just want to complain. All of the things you mention are true and at a time where we should be thankful so many are simply greedy. No place is perfect but Amgen is very good and we should take more pride in what we do, and who we work for.

I believe it is the former reps/emps that are posting the majority of the stuff here. The real question is, why are we reading it. Like a traffic accident, everyone stops and slows down to look at the disaster.

I like that I receive a large paycheck for doing next to nothing. At the same time I don't like feeling that 40 hrs of my week are spent on a totally pointless endeavor.

Seriously? That would be so awesome! You mean I could get 6 months more pay and don't even have to show my face at this stink hole of a company? Make it happen puppet master.

Consider it done. We've hit our 2011 number so you'll be in plan for 2012. Hang in there, and see what I can do to accelerate.

Looks like Christmas come early for me this year! I'm not even going to bother looking busy right before break. See ya sucka!

That a lump a coal in my pocket fo yas.

Yes of course, its not necessary at this point. You've been identified and nothing you do can change that, so taking it easy is not a bad strategy. Good luck, we bear no ill will toward you and am certain that someone as talented and eloquent as you will land on his feet. More likely your knees, but maybe on your feet. Remember, always be nice and swallow.