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Something doesn't add up with CV numbers


Has anyone noticed the inconsistencies in the numbers? Adding and deleting customers in and out of your universe, changing your precious goals after the IC period is over! Something is not right. Either the data source is rotten or a department is manipulating the numbers to CYA.


The numbers are inaccurate and a mess. Inconsistency is the name of the game at Novartis. Amazing that we will finally receive our goals nearly 2 months into the trimester. Never have I worked for a company so inept in this aspect..

most of the big pharmacies don’t report anymore and haven’t in years. WMT/TGT and most locals do not. It’s sll smoke and mirrors that the Indrustry doesn’t admit too to keep you workin’. Facebook selling their data is the same thing, Pharma Industry Dosent want you to know that the data is all hypothetical based on where and who they can get the data from but is is 75% innacurate.

most of the big pharmacies don’t report anymore and haven’t in years. WMT/TGT and most locals do not. It’s sll smoke and mirrors that the Indrustry doesn’t admit too to keep you workin’. Facebook selling their data is the same thing, Pharma Industry Dosent want you to know that the data is all hypothetical based on where and who they can get the data from but is is 75% innacurate.

I work for the money. The bonus is considered money. When I am not compensated correctly for my effort I stop working. I now work 10 hours a week. Many treat this as a part time job because the company cannot get the bonus payout correct. I do not have confidence the company will ever get the bonus correct so they should not expect effort from any of us. I am willing to trade an incorrect bonus for a 10 hour a week job. If they can't fix the current incorrect data they need to change the entire bonus metrics. If they do this I will decide to stay if I like it or leave if I don't like it.

Not true- nearly all of the large pharmacies report. You guys sell an oral- the data is 75-80% accurate. Biologic data is significantly less accurate due to 1st fills by 340B pharmacies that have no reason to report. They match up all the data with what they know the wholesalers are selling and that is where you get the 75-80% accuracy.

Not true- nearly all of the large pharmacies report. You guys sell an oral- the data is 75-80% accurate. Biologic data is significantly less accurate due to 1st fills by 340B pharmacies that have no reason to report. They match up all the data with what they know the wholesalers are selling and that is where you get the 75-80% accuracy.

Not true HIPPA prevents the big chains from selling data. You thot FB recently had a bad time when it was found out that their were selling data well you would see the mother of all GOV. Lawsuits if the big chains were selling your health information.

Not true- nearly all of the large pharmacies report. You guys sell an oral- the data is 75-80% accurate. Biologic data is significantly less accurate due to 1st fills by 340B pharmacies that have no reason to report. They match up all the data with what they know the wholesalers are selling and that is where you get the 75-80% accuracy.

Yes, they do track it.

Not true- nearly all of the large pharmacies report. You guys sell an oral- the data is 75-80% accurate. Biologic data is significantly less accurate due to 1st fills by 340B pharmacies that have no reason to report. They match up all the data with what they know the wholesalers are selling and that is where you get the 75-80% accuracy.
If this is true the. 20-25% of our date is inaccurate or projected. This is not a comforting situation when you are paid and given ratings based on rx data.

They do sell the data and the data is scrubbed of any patient identifiers. Pharmacy's make good money selling the data this way. You guys are clueless as usual. It is true that 20-30% of the data is projected but its also true that 70-80% of your data is correct. If you aren't making your numbers reps like to blame the projections as low yet they never complain when they are exceeding goals that the projections are over projecting.

Bottomline every company and every rep are compared the same way. The best reps always rise to the top over time.

They do sell the data and the data is scrubbed of any patient identifiers. Pharmacy's make good money selling the data this way. You guys are clueless as usual. It is true that 20-30% of the data is projected but its also true that 70-80% of your data is correct. If you aren't making your numbers reps like to blame the projections as low yet they never complain when they are exceeding goals that the projections are over projecting.

Bottomline every company and every rep are compared the same way. The best reps always rise to the top over time.
such contempt for all the worker bees that ensure profitability. "You guys are clueless" comment shows such arrogance that is responsible for bringing corporations down. Try to be more humble and learn to serve.

They do sell the data and the data is scrubbed of any patient identifiers. Pharmacy's make good money selling the data this way. You guys are clueless as usual. It is true that 20-30% of the data is projected but its also true that 70-80% of your data is correct. If you aren't making your numbers reps like to blame the projections as low yet they never complain when they are exceeding goals that the projections are over projecting.

Bottomline every company and every rep are compared the same way. The best reps always rise to the top over time.

Except it's not a sales job...customer service..you haven't been in the field for years...Sample drop only w/ 10 second conversations, lunch only 1X month, No see's over 50%...even if the data was correct it wouldn't matter .02 cents because you are only seeing maybe 2 Mds a day...the rest are all lies and fudged calls.

I work for the money. The bonus is considered money. When I am not compensated correctly for my effort I stop working. I now work 10 hours a week. Many treat this as a part time job because the company cannot get the bonus payout correct. I do not have confidence the company will ever get the bonus correct so they should not expect effort from any of us. I am willing to trade an incorrect bonus for a 10 hour a week job. If they can't fix the current incorrect data they need to change the entire bonus metrics. If they do this I will decide to stay if I like it or leave if I don't like it.

Yes both ! Something is not right the data source is rotten & the department is manipulating the numbers because they refuse to anty up for accurate & reliable data. It's a crap shoot for all weather or not you make your qouta/bonus.

Has anyone ever successfully sued these companies over the bonus structure?? I also find it odd that certain regions are consistently at the bottom—Chicago, Boston, Great Lakes, Pacific... Bonus plans are only as good as the data and metrics behind them and it doesn’t seem like Novartis is very good at this.

Has anyone ever successfully sued these companies over the bonus structure?? I also find it odd that certain regions are consistently at the bottom—Chicago, Boston, Great Lakes, Pacific... Bonus plans are only as good as the data and metrics behind them and it doesn’t seem like Novartis is very good at this.

This has been a long running issue across all divisions. Most people cut their loses and leave immediately. Others file lawsuits. Don't know any in particular. This is how short sighted he company is. They rip you off a bonus payout between $5000-$10,000. You stop working. You leave the company and work for a competitor. It costs a minimum of $10,000 -$20,000 to hire and train someone new. You become focused on making sure the customers do not prescribe an expensive drug. If you go sell a competitive drug and you are any good at your job you could easily cost Novartis millions in lost sales.

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