Someone with Experience with this company please give advise


Is this a way to go or is it going to be more trouble than it's worth. My other option is taking an office job paying $12 an hour. We can't seem to get any communication from a former flex rep. Advice please.

Also, do they fire you if you don't pass the test the first time? Thank you!! It is very unorganized so you feedback is helpful. Do the micromanage and hound you like some of the previous comments said? And, do you really work 3 days a week or will you have to give a lot more.

I am the flex time rep. There is NO micromanagement. Your only job is to achieve sales goal attainment (call on # of targets per month). No paperwork, no district meetings, no POA's and no BS. As for the tests on the new contract you have three times to take it. Hang in there and you will be happy that you did.

poster #1 I'm in the same situation as you. I got another offer for an office job that pays 16.00 an hour. I am nervous about this one and I really am a horrible test taker so I hope that I can pass it. My biggest issue is wondering how long this contract will last.

poster #1 I'm in the same situation as you. I got another offer for an office job that pays 16.00 an hour. I am nervous about this one and I really am a horrible test taker so I hope that I can pass it. My biggest issue is wondering how long this contract will last.

Study your ass off & you will pass. The exams are not tricky in anyway. They are straightforward.

Do they monitor if you actually stay on the module for the whole 2 hours or what ever the allotted time. We have our modules in a pdf file that were sent separately and I have been studying directly from the print outs.

poster #1 I'm in the same situation as you. I got another offer for an office job that pays 16.00 an hour. I am nervous about this one and I really am a horrible test taker so I hope that I can pass it. My biggest issue is wondering how long this contract will last.

Office jobs suck, it's prison. Stay here a year or two, the office job will be there.

It's a BS post, that's why. Some goober always feels it necessary to post things on CF with the purpose of scaring, intimidating, or making other people nervous. Probably the same one that kept saying he/she had received an offer before any offers really went out.