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Someone has to Ask: Where is LS going?


LS is a confident leader with a clear vision. She is fearless, honest and smart. That also means she scares the crap out of anyone else in upper management who is not as confident, smart and sincere. She has moved mountains for products, employees and customers. The decisions being made are insane. Youthful leaders making less money do not equate to experience and insight. Good luck with all of that, Allergan. You just disengaged a new group of employees based on how you are treating some of your best.

I'm not sure after 27 years how much she wanted to retire or not.

She is one of the most impressive and genuine leaders I have seen and I'm sad to not see her passion leading this charge anymore. But let's not assume she was treated poorly or let that effect how the new leaders (under PS) will do. They are pretty great as well.

LS is a confident leader with a clear vision. She is fearless, honest and smart. That also means she scares the crap out of anyone else in upper management who is not as confident, smart and sincere. She has moved mountains for products, employees and customers. The decisions being made are insane. Youthful leaders making less money do not equate to experience and insight. Good luck with all of that, Allergan. You just disengaged a new group of employees based on how you are treating some of your best.

Say no more. Starting to see a bit of what you are alluding too. Makes sense given the new(er) leadership that came around recently. Got it. Now that you say it, it all makes perfect sense and that's just too damn bad.

Lynn is the reason everyone has a job today and Allergan exists. The company was going broke in the mid 90's and she launched Alphagan and eye care did record sales and Allergan never looked back. Unfortunately all the upper management were not around to understand this except for JG and he cannot stand her So Allergan loses another top person!

Lynn is the reason everyone has a job today and Allergan exists. The company was going broke in the mid 90's and she launched Alphagan and eye care did record sales and Allergan never looked back. Unfortunately all the upper management were not around to understand this except for JG and he cannot stand her So Allergan loses another top person!

Did they let her go or did she leave voluntarily?

Lynn is the reason everyone has a job today and Allergan exists. The company was going broke in the mid 90's and she launched Alphagan and eye care did record sales and Allergan never looked back. Unfortunately all the upper management were not around to understand this except for JG and he cannot stand her So Allergan loses another top person!

Who even knew there was dissension amongst the ranks, especially regarding the facial team. One would never have known. Very shocking.

She was of my generation. The rest of us were pushed out this past year. Pushed hard/forced/threatened. She put Allergan on the map. But never made it to the place she would have if she had been a good old boy. Kudos to her!

I agree she was a great leader and smart women. I have worked with her over many years at Allergan and was sad to hear she was leaving. She was as loyal to Allergan as they come!
Good Luck to Lynn and all who are ridding out this storm.

Have to give a real comment about a person who has destroyed many careers in her pathway at Allergan. She manages by intimidation and only has stayed around because of leaders being afraid of what she knows and what she has been involved with.. Crushed others and did not care. Sorry what you see is a faced and i know many esp women she has hurt immensely out of jealousy. Wish her well but it was time to go, this was not about a boys club, it was about an insecure woman that destroyed careers.