Solutions Offerred


The latest new person to the thread accuses this board of not offering solutions which we clearly have. Because they have not read them we can make it simple. I will start and please add any you have offered.

1. New leadership with more experience in medical industry sales.

2. More development of territories not just churn and burn through representatives sending a new one in every few months.

3. A liaison person to communicate between sales and customer service. The administration does not want constant calls so one person would solve this problem.

4. Territories looked at individually and sales plans that match the type of opportunity within those territories. i.e. high volume pain prescriptions would equal higher expectations, rural territories would cover a larger area and expectations adjusted. News Flash: The big labs do this.

5. Less time on administrative conference calls.

6. Use HC1 as intended. A sales tool not a sales manager. I happen to like HC1 if used properly.

7. Treat the sales staff as professionals and stop talking down to them and insulting them because customer service starts on the inside.

The latest new person to the thread accuses this board of not offering solutions which we clearly have. Because they have not read them we can make it simple. I will start and please add any you have offered.

1. New leadership with more experience in medical industry sales.

2. More development of territories not just churn and burn through representatives sending a new one in every few months.

3. A liaison person to communicate between sales and customer service. The administration does not want constant calls so one person would solve this problem.

4. Territories looked at individually and sales plans that match the type of opportunity within those territories. i.e. high volume pain prescriptions would equal higher expectations, rural territories would cover a larger area and expectations adjusted. News Flash: The big labs do this.

5. Less time on administrative conference calls.

6. Use HC1 as intended. A sales tool not a sales manager. I happen to like HC1 if used properly.

7. Treat the sales staff as professionals and stop talking down to them and insulting them because customer service starts on the inside.

If this forum had more of these type of threads, changes could more than likely be affected. Since this is an anonymous board, and I stand by my view that non anonymous voices are the voices that are heard, I am happy to put myself out and call corporate office, Scott, Rob, my DVP, Steve and everyone else I can get on the phone to try to help facilitate solutions. I do love my job and want the Castle to continue to grow, not collapse under the strain of a poor PR image.

With the exception of asking Scott to replace the current leadership (which before this thread is all I have read), this is a well thought out list of problems with possible solutions. Several of us are thriving under the current leadership, and I would rather dance with the devil I know... In my opinion, if more post were like this rather than the personal attacks, finger pointing and excuse driven tirades, these issues likely could have been noted and possibly resolved much sooner. Instead, this board has lost a lot of merit to the disgruntled and these grievances buried under nonsense.

8. Include HR on all Interviews when Hiring and Exiting.
9. Have HR conduct a training class for the DVP's and anyone in
management on Professional Behavior. This might help with future lawsuits.

If this forum had more of these type of threads, changes could more than likely be affected. Since this is an anonymous board, and I stand by my view that non anonymous voices are the voices that are heard, I am happy to put myself out and call corporate office, Scott, Rob, my DVP, Steve and everyone else I can get on the phone to try to help facilitate solutions. I do love my job and want the Castle to continue to grow, not collapse under the strain of a poor PR image.

With the exception of asking Scott to replace the current leadership (which before this thread is all I have read), this is a well thought out list of problems with possible solutions. Several of us are thriving under the current leadership, and I would rather dance with the devil I know... In my opinion, if more post were like this rather than the personal attacks, finger pointing and excuse driven tirades, these issues likely could have been noted and possibly resolved much sooner. Instead, this board has lost a lot of merit to the disgruntled and these grievances buried under nonsense.

This board hasn't lost anything...It has definitely helped potential new hires in the lab industry. The "Several of you Thriving" under current leadership? Well, that maybe the
top 8 sales reps who are the only ones making $$$$. The other of us, 40 plus reps have
been expressing all of our experiences with Castle.. Facts are Facts..........
It appears your view is being Non-Anonymous so state who you are? Then we can all
thank you when you make that call to Scott,Rob and the DVP's........on these great solutions................

If this forum had more of these type of threads, changes could more than likely be affected. Since this is an anonymous board, and I stand by my view that non anonymous voices are the voices that are heard, I am happy to put myself out and call corporate office, Scott, Rob, my DVP, Steve and everyone else I can get on the phone to try to help facilitate solutions. I do love my job and want the Castle to continue to grow, not collapse under the strain of a poor PR image.

With the exception of asking Scott to replace the current leadership (which before this thread is all I have read), this is a well thought out list of problems with possible solutions. Several of us are thriving under the current leadership, and I would rather dance with the devil I know... In my opinion, if more post were like this rather than the personal attacks, finger pointing and excuse driven tirades, these issues likely could have been noted and possibly resolved much sooner. Instead, this board has lost a lot of merit to the disgruntled and these grievances buried under nonsense.

This is a nice response. Congrats. You alone have decided what is and is not appropriate. You yourself say you would rather work for the devil you know. Hmmm. We are glad you are available and willing to call everyone, to include I assume President Obama. And i am thrilled that you believe Anonymous voices carry less weight. However I seem to be missing something from you self righteous all self important posts telling all of us what you think while telling all of us, it is best to not be Anonymous. Suggesting it seems that you are be eternal than all of us Anonymous posters. I never see you signing your posts. Why not? Are you afraid? If so what are you afraid of? That you will out yourself as one of LP or Robbie Ray's koolaid drinkers? Save us all you sactamonious crap and sign your name. If not shut the hell up. Step up and be a big boy or girl and lead by example. I'm guessing you are a coward and will not do as you would have others do.

It's an anonymous board. That what makes it special. All are equal.
And what makes you think Castle wants to make any changes? They have been hiring and firing too many people for too long. That is what they know and what they do to protect themselves from anyone that may be a threat I assume. I don't know if anyone was fired or resigned this week but I would be surprised to find out that no one was terminated. Castles actions caused this enviroment. No big deal. Some of us r/were threaten daily by our DVP about losing our jobs to the point that we all started to believe we will lose our jobs no matter what. So we are now rogues of the company. We do not fear being fired anymore. We anticipate being fired everyday from now on. We keep our 10-99 offers close at hand waiting for that day to come when we will Spring our plan into action to save ourselves. Like I said in another post, we didn't start out this way, we were disciplined this way.

And by the way, I have performed like you insisted I do. Your schematics to sales success with your devised HC1 plan and I am not successful at all. And neither are many of the people I lnow using your system. I am broke and want that $250,000.00 to $500,000.00 a year pay.

If I suck that bad than don't worry about that non compete. I am sure one of those DVPS can save the accounts from an interloper like me? Specially LP, CB or The Quackopractor. Ha ha ha not today my friend.

Provide detailed comission reports that explain what is being seen in HC-1. Provide documentation for samples that are denied coverage with insurance. Allow reps to have a list of insurance providers that Castle is contracted with for each state.

To date, these three things have not been implemented by Castle.

Also, don't force us to up our auto insurance coverage and not compensate us for it. We use our personal vehicles for work, you could at the very least give us a car allowance to cover all the wear and tear on our vehicles.

If this forum had more of these type of threads, changes could more than likely be affected. Since this is an anonymous board, and I stand by my view that non anonymous voices are the voices that are heard, I am happy to put myself out and call corporate office, Scott, Rob, my DVP, Steve and everyone else I can get on the phone to try to help facilitate solutions. I do love my job and want the Castle to continue to grow, not collapse under the strain of a poor PR image.

With the exception of asking Scott to replace the current leadership (which before this thread is all I have read), this is a well thought out list of problems with possible solutions. Several of us are thriving under the current leadership, and I would rather dance with the devil I know... In my opinion, if more post were like this rather than the personal attacks, finger pointing and excuse driven tirades, these issues likely could have been noted and possibly resolved much sooner. Instead, this board has lost a lot of merit to the disgruntled and these grievances buried under nonsense.

Sorry, I didn't get your name.