Sol Rashidi


So what happened? Another person from outside Merck that had new ideas and thinking and the senior executives had their usual response of that’s not how we do things at Merck? Those that hired her should be fired. The culture will never change especially if they take bozo one or two that appear to be next in line. If Keytruda wasn’t discovered by Organon and picked up with the acquisition with Schering Plough this company would be toast. Good luck.

Sol was fired for cause in 2019 for expense account irregularities and continued to communicate that she was working at Sony when she was not. Unbelievable.

Was she really fired?

She is so vengeful and manipulative. It seems she actively seeks out confrontation to prove she is the smartest, but after 6 months has accomplished nothing but burnt bridges.

She sure does make herself look impressive on her LinkedIn was she fired from Merck for lying about her employment status? Just took our HR 6 months to figure it out?

It's only matter of time before Estee Lauder figures out what happened with her and that she had been lying about her employment status at Sony after she was fired for cause.

I worked for Sol at one of her prior companies. She is a huge fraud. She doesn’t take time to understand the business or needs of people - she trashes everyone, creates a toxic work environment and accomplishes nothing. Good luck to her team at Estée Lauder.