Sofa Sleeping


The Sofa Staining thread is so stupid. Makes you wonder what kind of strange people are out there.

In reality this B+L Pharma Cafe Site should be shut down. A lot of people read the threads but few are willing to comment in ways that either inform you on what is going on in the company or give constructive criticism as to how it should change for the better.

The management at B+L is also a real do nothing management. No changes since they have taken over. No chance at selling the company or an IPO. A real sleeper of a management which may be good for the employees as a whole as no change means long term job security.

Who the hell do you think you are? "Site should be shut down" and "long term job security"? Screw you. I like the comments on here. You'll find a lot of truth in some of the information and it's a way where we can share our gripes. You worried about outsiders seeing these threads and passing on B+L deal? You afraid people will see how screwed up this company is from the inside out? It's reality. Maybe you should get off of your high horse and accept it. You done screwed us all. This message had to have been written by management. Ass hat.

Only positive Karma will make a company work. Pharma Cafe is bad Karma. If we all accept our stations in life and in the company and work hard all will be well. Complaining about your superiors is not constructive for the long term success of all within the company.

Have you never been mellow?
Have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you?
Have you never been happy just to hear your song?
Have you never let someone else be strong?

Good sofa sleeping song.

Great News about Merck

Now that Merck has a new sleeping pill with fewer side effects suvorexant, will make you fall asleep 40 percent faster and 40 percent longer than placebo without a lingering drowsy feeling upon waking.

Should be a pretty good work environment. We will need a lot more sofas.

Bausch+Lomb should pay pharma cafe to have this thread reviewed before posting. It is filled with top secret references to the CEO and staff. Sleeping is a code word for Nothing is happening at this company. Sofa is a code word for a Sofa that you sleep on.