SoCal Mass Exodus


SoCal Insanity has come true. Looking back over the past few months (and years), its amazing how many people have left this region. The turnover is incredible. I realize that there will be turnover at the rep level, but it's astonishing what has been going on in the specialty ranks.

Way to go P VDV, you have been personally responsible for inspiring the exit of the (supposed) most promising reps. The division wins P club and then half the team leaves? He's got to be the worst manager ever. I can't say I'm not surprised though, he is probably the most socially awkward of all the managers (and that's saying A LOT).

Sweet job CS, that's what you get for hiring somebody with little to no experience. I really hope you decide to leave too. Oh that's right, you and the managers could never convince another company to pay you what Forest does. And PS - what do you even do all day?

It's only a matter of time before the rest of the region disintegrates as well. Go big and bring it home!

It has all come to fruition here in Socal. From what ive heard from other reps, the president club winner dm RG, has lost the number 1 rep in the country, TR, the downtown LA rep Jen s, the Pasadena rep, and both Santa Monica reps DC (to promotion) and later PB. So the highest ranked rm in social has reps fleeing left and right! Does anybody know why these ppl left or got fired? Should I be worried my manager is going to do this next? Is this a cs strategy or is it normal for a manager to lose half their team?

RG is the ABSOLUTE worst DM and CS is the worst RD. Hands down. RG president's club ranking for dm has NOTHING to do with him or how he leads. His manner of speaking to reps like they are children, micro managing, and ridiculous role playing are a few reasons why reps hate him. He is the reason why ppl leave Forest and is just CS's puppet.

It has all come to fruition here in Socal. From what ive heard from other reps, the president club winner dm RG, has lost the number 1 rep in the country, TR, the downtown LA rep Jen s, the Pasadena rep, and both Santa Monica reps DC (to promotion) and later PB. So the highest ranked rm in social has reps fleeing left and right! Does anybody know why these ppl left or got fired? Should I be worried my manager is going to do this next? Is this a cs strategy or is it normal for a manager to lose half their team?

This is definitely CS strategy. He is the WORST leader, and all of his DMs are terrible. CS's socal was the most miserable environment I have ever worked in. Luckily I was able to leave!

RG is the ABSOLUTE worst DM and CS is the worst RD. Hands down. RG president's club ranking for dm has NOTHING to do with him or how he leads. His manner of speaking to reps like they are children, micro managing, and ridiculous role playing are a few reasons why reps hate him. He is the reason why ppl leave Forest and is just CS's puppet.

I hate being talked down to by RG. He would get a beat down in the real world. Only at Forest is this allowed.

No surprise here. How come Ray couldn't overcome the "critical incident" with all of those reps and keep them on board? 3 reps quit in 6 weeks? It's about time he lost those people. I am so happy he isn't my manager. If Ray was a rep in his own division, he'd give himself a letter of warning. Can't wait until those LA North numbers come down - always relying on 1 or 2 territories to take them to president's club.

Ray is a terrible manager. Not sure how much longer he'll be here with all the turnover on his team

I don't think CS cares about turnover, and in SoCal as long as you stay in CS's good graces, you are safe. I think RG is good at sucking up to CS, so he will probably be around for awhile. So glad he's not my manager!! I'm just praying we don't have another reallignment - I got stuck with a worse DM after the last one a few years back, but still better than RG!

The only people not wanting to leave the hell that SoCal is are those related to CS (like a certain SoCal manager) or those that are managers and secretly banging another manager on the DL.

The only people not wanting to leave the hell that SoCal is are those related to CS (like a certain SoCal manager) or those that are managers and secretly banging another manager on the DL.

There's definitely some banging going on, but much more prevalent is the pool of loser behind kissing tool managers CS has assembled-it's a pathetic joke! Who would want to be a DM in socal knowing 100 reps pretend to respect you but think you're a complete suck up loser? Go to your manager meetings, have your conference calls and secret meeting about us, have at it, we don't care-just pay us and know we're mocking you. Want to know how to get more prescriptions? How about consulting the reps in the field? You have no clue! What you see when you're with us isn't real. How do you think you know better? Does your title make you smarter than the reps? Wake up!!!!!

Silly manager - you come up with ideas like "go big and bring it home" and you think you are smart? That's hilarious. Go back to best buy, or circuit city, or the restaurant you worked at before this job - or the soccer team you coached, or the church you preach at, or Sweeney's family reunion you came from. What a joke.

I'm trying to join the mass exodus, but finding it hard to get another job in SoCal with all the other reps that have been laid off from other companies. Getting up for work in the morning knowing the crap my DM and CS will make me endure is painful. I would rather be picking up *#@& at the zoo.

Is CS above any kind of scrutiny? Do his bosses not know he's a complete psycho dictator?

HELLOOOO Forest???? Anyone there? Wake up and get some employee feedback.

So true....cmon you DMs, you f'ing bent over idiots! Why do you go along with CS dictatorship??? So one DM was his kids babysitter and the ram clearly did some ramming-what about the rest of you fools?