So who is left from the expansion era?

Great question... obviously a few that shouldnt be and continue.. how does that happen in a corporate politically world? So many comments on a particular person and the posts just keep coming but yet... still employed.. scary......

If you're one of the expansion reps from March 2010 or legacy reps do this, look at the company phone book you were given around April of 2010 right after the compare it to a recent one....what do you see? An average of 2-3 reps GONE or changed within a district. Some districts only have 1-2 ORIGINAL reps left.
What does THAT tell you?
Employment with Covidien Pharma is a TEMPORARY gig folks.
Yes, Connie Kisinger still remains with the sinking ship that she helps create. Horrible culture and climate!
Don't even put it on my resume!

I mean. Covidien went from 100 to 250 reps as of March 2010. Out of those 250 how many legacy or expansion are actually still there?? From that batch. I know sales and especially pharma has a high turnover, but I am just curious to see

Connie Kissinger must have some very good connections with someone very important. She is everything wrong with pharma. Does she still make folks cheer at meetings? She is not a leader. That's what sorely lacking in this industry and in general.

No one with any self-respect is left from the expansion. Good ones...all gone and happy to have moved on! Also, don't even mention Covidien Pharma on my resume, embarrassing company to be associated with on the pharma side!
Go Connie!