With Valeant as the purchaser it won't take long at all. Assume it will be fast and shortly after the deal is completed. There may be a short time that the Valeant liars, oh I mean management, tells you that you are important and will be kept. You may for a time. Once they extract information from you they will let you go.

Not being negative. Just letting you know what to realistically to expect.

I have been through a merger before....when do guys think there will be a lay off?

I suggest you go and read the posts on the Valeant Board - although there is lots of useless chatter, the one theme you will see of merit is the "Synergy" strategy which reduces head counts like crazy. VPI will target functional roles first such as HR, Finance, IT and any redundant admin departments. From there they will look for places to reduce in the operations through consolidations.

You will hear - "don't fall in love with your assets" and "if you don't like change move on" and "we will be lean and will not have large centralized functions (although this is becoming an untruth in Canada).

Begin your own succession plan and do not believe everything you hear from this company. It has a track record of comforting its workforce only then to 180 and do exactly what one might fear.

Mike believes in quick action so synergies will likely take place in less than 6 months.

You have about 60 days minimum; 90 days maximum left. When they acquired ISTA in Irvine, almost half of the staff in that location was terminated the day the acquisition was final. Quite a few more were given 1-4 months more and then let go. They will keep some of your IT dept until the end to transition to their systems, but they outsource IT. Valeant's end goal is to move everything to New Jersey. It all depends on how easy/hard that will be. The easier it is, the faster you will see everything in Hayward disappear. Read the ISTA/Valeant/B+L message boards. This is not a good company to be associated with. They rely on this bad reputation to have employees leave on their own so they don't have to pay severance.

Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. (VRX) -NYSE  Follow
111.03 1.71(1.56%) 11:33AM EST - Nasdaq Real Time Price

- Business model is not for the weak hearted, humane, or those who have a souls. But if you can get past that you can make some decent coin.

You have about 60 days minimum; 90 days maximum left. When they acquired ISTA in Irvine, almost half of the staff in that location was terminated the day the acquisition was final. Quite a few more were given 1-4 months more and then let go. They will keep some of your IT dept until the end to transition to their systems, but they outsource IT. Valeant's end goal is to move everything to New Jersey. It all depends on how easy/hard that will be. The easier it is, the faster you will see everything in Hayward disappear. Read the ISTA/Valeant/B+L message boards. This is not a good company to be associated with. They rely on this bad reputation to have employees leave on their own so they don't have to pay severance.

ISTA was acquired by B&L not Valeant in early 2012 not sure what this guy is saying.....

Listen up Solta Medical, as a former Bausch and Lomb employee I can tell you that your job whatever you are doing is in jeopardy. It does not matter how long you have been there or how important your job is or how important your project is, or how busy you are. Look at the B&L, Medicis and Obagi blogs on Cafe Pharma. Dig back in the threads to when the deal was closed. They were all acquired by Valeant. They Valeant will be in your site the day of or the day after closing the deal and layoff the first wave. Take the package and make sure they honor your current companies severance policy. The severance of future laid off employees will not be as good as the first wave.

After the first wave Valeant will continue to layoff employees counting on creating an environment where people leave on their own. If you have an important project deliverable then you will be laid off when it is complete. The most fortunate people will be laid off first, the people left will feel like they dodged a bullet then the next wave will be laid off and then the next and people left will be in shock wishing they were in the first wave.

Mike Peirson will visit your site shortly and look you all in the face and tell you the benefits given to Valeant employees will be better than you currently have, that they will choose the best of the best employees to retain. These are all lies. Also watched for the word "Synergies". They will cut entire departments, HR and Finance. Your company is small and it will not take long to absorb your operations into Valeant's and then they will close the site where you are located.

Most employees will not believe what I am saying, but if I can help one person I feel I have to write this. Stop working, polish you resume, and start looking for a job. You have at least a 60 day jump on job searching before it all starts.

Good Luck!

Everything the above message says is true...I know that McKinsey will already be working with your leadership team to confirm who will leave...they did this with B+L and were two faced and vicious...and McKinsey are very ignorant so dont underastand the personal devastation they are causing...and mostly are young kids out of college...

They dont care about anyone except the dollars in the pocket of the top scum...
Get out fast...and do not hope to keep your job...staying in anything valeant is living death...

I understand most Admin and HR are gone. I am a capital rep and have an offer from a company that starts with a Z....I believe the reps are safe as Valeant has no reps in this space. Not sure about account managers safety.

Anyone hearing anything else?

just run.....nothing left to hold on to at B&L. Valeant is going to learn the hard way here on just how important relations are for maintaining and growing their business in eye care....unfortunately, the trade already knows who they want to partner with in the future and it is not with Valeant......ALCON, it's all yours for the taking, just get in there now and do what you do best and the rest will just follow. As for B+L, all I can say is, R.I.P.....

They cut home office but not the sales force. Especially in places they don't have one. Take a look at orapharma. Same with B&L. No sales force cuts in either. Only ones were Derm because they already had sales forces there.

They cut home office but not the sales force. Especially in places they don't have one. Take a look at orapharma. Same with B&L. No sales force cuts in either. Only ones were Derm because they already had sales forces there.

Haha, sounds like a sales director or rep that is trying to justify their position. If I were you, I'd start looking for another job. They'll wait until you miss your numbers for a quarter then cut you. You'll eventually miss, so kiss your a$$ goodbye LOL!

I was just contacted about a job with Solta and wanted to ask what the landscape looks like from a sales perspective. As they explained to me they were hiring two channels of reps, one like a pharma and one a OR medical device type position. I am looking at the OR type position. Is the target comp real? If you eliminate the top 10% and bottom 10% from the numbers, what does the average rep make? How about the culture and management style?

I was just contacted about a job with Solta and wanted to ask what the landscape looks like from a sales perspective. As they explained to me they were hiring two channels of reps, one like a pharma and one a OR medical device type position. I am looking at the OR type position. Is the target comp real? If you eliminate the top 10% and bottom 10% from the numbers, what does the average rep make? How about the culture and management style?

Advice stay away from Aesthetic Capital based on my experience ALL THESE COMPANIES are filled with massive slime reps and managers. The turnover is unreal you're much better off looking in Medical sales . Not a stable job ! People need medical procedures in the long term not hair removal ect it is pure bullshit.