So What Now???????


More than 5 years of WP. Three CEOs. One Layoff. Many forced out. Purchase of ISTA.

So is this it. I guess it is a very hard question to ask when B+L is a private company. If the profits and net worth of the company is going up then there is a future. If the opposite then it is slow death.

Not a lot of new WSJ articles on this company. Perhaps they are still baffled on how they got burned by the last article where their insider sources said the company health was in great shape and ready to IPO.

5+ years is a really long time for a private equity firm for nothing to happen to a company such as a sale, IPO or consolidation. Most would say that in the private equity world the WP purchase of B+L will not make it into the Private Equity Hall of Fame.

More than 5 years of WP. Three CEOs. One Layoff. Many forced out. Purchase of ISTA.

So is this it. I guess it is a very hard question to ask when B+L is a private company. If the profits and net worth of the company is going up then there is a future. If the opposite then it is slow death.

Not a lot of new WSJ articles on this company. Perhaps they are still baffled on how they got burned by the last article where their insider sources said the company health was in great shape and ready to IPO.

5+ years is a really long time for a private equity firm for nothing to happen to a company such as a sale, IPO or consolidation. Most would say that in the private equity world the WP purchase of B+L will not make it into the Private Equity Hall of Fame.

Just corp speak from management with impending doom.